Retrieving Script Name

Is there a way to retrieve the name of the script when the server is running? For example, as a security feature, if someone tries to use my mode it will delete the .amx file automatically. Obviously if they change the name of the file, it won't delete anything... So again, can I retrieve the name of a script?

Don't thinks its possible as you would need to get inside the PC somehow, unless you mean you include something inside your script that would delete if it is used, but you would be deleting your own script,

Originally Posted by xMichaelx
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Don't thinks its possible as you would need to get inside the PC somehow, unless you mean you include something inside your script that would delete if it is used, but you would be deleting your own script,
I would only be deleting the .amx file, and that's only if someone uses it at an address not defined by me.

yes with
GetServerVarAsString(server var[],string[],max size);

GetServerVarAsString("gamemode0",servervars,sizeof (servervars));

I didn't know that function could retrieve that line, thanks cessil!

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