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i was planning /savepos and /loadpos for my next command on my gamemode
i found some helpful information in SAMP Forum but they are in strcmp and some
of them are saving in ini file i mean is when /savepos your pos will be save and
will be loaded in /loadpos then when player disconnect the savepos will not save

also i have problem with searching duel system but they are in DCMD/STRCMP
i want to find a duel system in ZCMD but theres no duel system in ZCMD

Please help me guys

im sorry but i read the first paragraph 3 times and i still dont understand what you want lol, for me to save my player positions i used Dowster vehicle script and commented out all the car stuff because the login system and save player position system is flawless

:P i guese i'm bad at english lets do it in search version:

please help me to make /savepos, /loadpos and duel system

now you understand it?

pawn Код:
    Float: pX[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
    Float: pY[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
    Float: pZ[ MAX_PLAYERS ]

CMD:afk( playerid, params[] )
    GetPlayerPos ( playerid, pX[ playerid ], pY[ playerid ], pZ[ playerid ] );
    /* store his positions in the variables */
    return ( 1 );

CMD:back( playerid, params[] )
    SetPlayerPos( playerid, pX[ playerid ], pY[ playerid ], pZ[ playerid ] );
    /* set his positions to the coordinates saved in the variables */
    return ( 1 );
Think it works.

oohhhh he meant AFK system, lol now it all becomes clear.

uhm sir i was not asking for AFK i was asking for /s(avepos) and /l(oadpos) which mean is

/s and /l command

there is a tutorial on it, on this forums, search it, I think it wrote SmiT

where can i find it sir any details whats the tittle sir?

and also can you help me sir to make duel system

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