[Help] my auto team balance is bugging

hello all
i've got a problem, i saw that my auto team balance chose the same persone more offen than others ! every time that the player X (the players who is 90% auto-team balanced) the auto balance turn him in to an other team ... any solution ?

Can you show us some code?

yeah ok

	if(Players > 1 && Players < 6)
		if (Counter1 >= 15&&Counter1 <= 280) 
			if(GetPlayersFromTeam(2) == 0)
				new Winner = random(Players);
				if(IsPlayerConnected(Winner)&& team[Winner] != 2)
					new String[128], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
					GetPlayerName(Winner, Name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
					format(String, 120, "{FFFF00} %s has been {FF0000}zombieficated [BOMMER]{FFFF00} by the auto-team-balance", Name);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, String);
					return 1;
			return 1;
and this is the important thing
stock Random(min, max)
    new a = random(max - min) + min;
    return a;

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