Incognito's Streamer - Global Map Icons

Good Evening.

Okay, I've been bending my mind around this issue for about an hour now, and cannot find the issue anywhere. I have searched everywhere around the forums, in multiple "Incognitos Streamer" related topics, and in the release topic itself, with no help with this issue.

I am trying to make a map icon global (with a checkpoint). The issue is, the map icon is simply not, global!

Here's the code I'm using:
pawn Код:
//Where "i" is a relevant playerid in a for loop
//Where "tmp" is an integer representing speed traps/cameras.
//Where "speedx"/"y"/"z" is co-ordinates for specific speed cameras.
broken_cam_map[i][tmp] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(SpeedCams[tmp][speedx], SpeedCams[tmp][speedy], SpeedCams[tmp][speedz], 1, COLOUR_RED, 0, 0, i);
        Streamer_SetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, broken_cam_map[i][tmp], E_STREAMER_STYLE, MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT);
I cannot get that to work, at all. I have tried running it as a standalone filterscript, which didn't work. It compiled and loaded perfectly fine, but the map icon did not appear global nor have a checkpoint (though did I exist as I teleported to the position, and it showed like a normal map icon).

Any ideas? I'm totally baffled by this...

Edit: Checkpoint DO appear. However, they only seem to appear on a Linux server, on Windows it does not seem to have ANY affect what so ever.


Originally Posted by funky1234
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Edit: Checkpoint DO appear. However, they only seem to appear on a Linux server, on Windows it does not seem to have ANY affect what so ever.

If it's that case, why not update your current streamer plugin, it could be corrupt

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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If it's that case, why not update your current streamer plugin, it could be corrupt
Everything else works perfectly fine, but I'll give this ago, knowing my luck everything's breaking on me again

I'll try this when I get in from school later.

Thanks Lorenc

I know this is an old topic, but here's the facts:
- Icognito's streamer is a STREAMER. It streams the closest map icons to a player. There's no reason to use a streamer if you are making global map icons. If you make them global, it won't "stream" them.
- Checkpoints work because it STREAMS them. (= Creates the closest checkpoint)

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