Hiring Scriptors

hiring scriptor to script a Roleplayer server
:will pay
m for details

What is the sense in hiring a scripter, if you can't make something yourself maybe you should try something easier like a Stunt server. (( not to be rude, hope i didn't sound like it D: ))

- Camacorn

I Agree with Camacorn, A Roleplay server requires months to script, very complex and difficult aswell, Try a freeroam or a stunt server. Learn as you go!,

(no offence aswell)

Dont worry guys i got a RP script no need for hiring anymore

you dont just need a RP script you also need a scripter, since players will leave if your server doesnt have a regular updates?

lmao i've been scripting a rp gm for months now, still only 50% done.
It's a big task

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