Question || How to play a ******* song with PlayAudioStream

Well I was watching this filterscript but it turns out that it's buggy because of the HTTP connections are only working for the IP connections from the same host.
So what I wanted to do, is to play this song
Because it's a video we people have to convert it to MP3 so the filterscript maker made it with ******* website.

I just want to play audios from *******, can anyone help me out how to? thanks


That filterscript is for 0.3d

-_- I am using 0.3d, and you are not really helping me. I said I wanted to play a song from *******, I didnt talk about the filterscript. Read stuff more.



Vidoes on ******* are encoded in flv, unless you watch in higher qualities, then they are mp4. ******* doesn't offer the download of just the audio of their videos. Therefore, you need to use a service to convert the Video into MP3 so you can use PlayAudioStream. In other words, there is no way to do it directly from *******.

Secondly, Stop being such an attention whore. You are only allowed to bump threads once every 24 hours. Read the rules before you post again.

-_- I was not hoping for a speech, I need the convertion way. I have already tried ******* but there are problems with it, I need a site I can get a ******* video then play somehow with audiostream.

So listen guys this can be locked. I guess it wouldnt owrk that way, so I have my own host & website. I just downloaded a song, put it in the host and now I can play it like
But there's one thing, why can't I hear it ingame? I done this
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
It's in public of OnPlayerRequestClass

Use ************

PM mй if u need help.

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