[Plugin] SAMP WinSock Plugin - Beta

Originally Posted by langricr
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No problem

The whole reason I made this was so me and said friend could design a network protocol and create scripts in other languages, the server would run a bare script that executes functions based on the packets received through the connection to a server made in another language.
Who is this friend? Originally this is my plan as well.
However you will need to run programs other than the server that support that language.

If your friend wishes to hear me out on what languages I suggest to use for this, you can message me.
There goes a lot of theoretical information in making that plan effectively work.

As a great man once said: Two minds are better than one.

Originally Posted by nemesis-
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One person steals code and violates its' license (the GPL) while the other uses an unpatented process. Can you elaborate further on your apples to oranges argument?
So who one did what of those 2 things again?

Good job.

Originally Posted by maij
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Who is this friend? Originally this is my plan as well.
However you will need to run programs other than the server that support that language.

If your friend wishes to hear me out on what languages I suggest to use for this, you can message me.
There goes a lot of theoretical information in making that plan effectively work.

As a great man once said: Two minds are better than one.
We were planning to use Java so we could have everything set up to be more object-oriented. This also would've allowed us to compile class-based items on the fly and (re)load engine components without restarting by using the reflection API

Originally Posted by langricr
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We were planning to use Java so we could have everything set up to be more object-oriented. This also would've allowed us to compile class-based items on the fly and (re)load engine components without restarting by using the reflection API
Have you tried this?
anyway it's great, don't stop the development

Hello can you show example with:

Send password,etc to email.

Originally Posted by Raimis_R
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Hello can you show example with:

Send password,etc to email.
// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#include <a_samp>
#include <sampwinsock>

	print(" Blank Gamemode by your name here");

public OnGameModeInit()
	SetGameModeText("Blank Script");
	AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	socket_create( 1 );
	socket_setbuffersize( 1, 1024 );
	socket_connect( 1, "", 110 );
	return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	return 1;

public onSocketConnect( id, ip[], port )
	if ( id == 1 )
	    printf( "We have established a connection to the mail server." );

public onSocketReceive( id, data[] )
	new result[ 1024 ];
	if ( socket_cleanstring( data, result ) == strlen( data ) )
	if ( !strcmp( result, "+OK POP3" ) )
	    printf( result );
		printf( "\t--- Sending 'USER richard@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'" );
	    socket_send( 1, "USER richard@\r\n" );
	} else if ( !strcmp( result, "+OK Send your password" ) )
	    printf( result );
	    printf( "\t--- Sending 'PASS xxxxxxx'" );
	    socket_send( 1, "PASS fakepass\r\n" );
	} else if ( !strcmp( result, "+OK Mailbox locked and ready" ) )
	    printf( result );
		printf( "\t--- Sending 'RETR 1'" );
	    socket_send( 1, "RETR 1\r\n" );
	} else {
	    printf( data );

it says msvcr100d.dll not found. can be fixed, but I think the whole thing is compiled in debug-mode.

Hello, it is a very beautiful creation.

But would it be possible to do it on linux? Or what somebody compiles it on linux? Please. I tested but I did not arrive there, I am not very gifted in the plugins. That would leave me a beautiful spine the foot to help me.

Cordially, Jon.

Originally Posted by j0n
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Hello, it is a very beautiful creation.

But would it be possible to do it on linux? Or what somebody compiles it on linux? Please.
Cordially, Jon.

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