Which anti-virus do you recommend?

Well I have upgraded my HDD up to 500 GB from 320 so a fresh new start :3 now got every driver needed but only anti virus is needed... so which free anti-virus would you recommend me to use? I am not so good in choosing them... I mostly go for the look :/

No anti-virus needed, just a good brain and common sense. But ofc, people lack those qualities, so you can either try: AVG or AVAST. Those are good free anti-virus.

AVG ftw ! I never used another one ^^


Comodo Internet Security is an amazing suite, perfect for preventing intrusions and it's a lot more accurate than free AVG and Avast.

I use AVG, and didn't have a virus yet. Like they said, use common sense. So scan warez, porn, downloads, extensions or any other thing from sites you haven't ever heard about. Don't download the trollface.jpg.exe, go look for 2girls1cup.mov instead. Don't go on childabuserocks.com (I don't know if this site exists, and I'm not willing to know - delete it if you want), but go on...you know. Use ****** to download codecs instead of the "recommended" ones. And no, you do not need to download movie.exe from that one site.

Ive been using free avira for years now. I know it has a very bad reputation, but never had problems with a virus.
Its mainly about what you do, if you get some virus or not.

I guess I will go with AVG at the moment, later on will change to Comodo.

thanks lads!

MSE as best free anti-virus... MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials.

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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No anti-virus needed, just a good brain and common sense.
My laptop has 2 years without anti-virus, and I didn't occur any problems since I've bought it.

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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No anti-virus needed, just a good brain and common sense. But ofc, people lack those qualities, so you can either try: AVG or AVAST. Those are good free anti-virus.
Haven't had any Anti virus for 2 years now. Still no sign of Viruses/sh!twares etc..
If you have good knowledge about this, you don't need an AV to protect your pc.

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