18.11.2011, 07:05
I'm from GTAForums, a scm scripter and I REALLY REALLY hope this forum is connected to SA-MP Wiki but I just wanted to say thank you to SA-MP Wiki because I use it for all the ID's like Objects, Pickups, Car, Skins and defiantly the interiors (those are hard to find on da web)
(This part is for the PAWN scripters
I want to show you a scm mission I made and you say if it looks like PAWN code or doesent (I havent seen a PAWN script)
(This part is for the PAWN scripters
I want to show you a scm mission I made and you say if it looks like PAWN code or doesent (I havent seen a PAWN script)
//-----------MAIN------------- 0000: NOP // No operation :0 0@ = Marker.CreateIconAndSphere(28, 2536.4219, -1694.3494, 13.6471) repeat wait 0 ms until 0102: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 2536.4219 -1694.3494 13.6471 radius 1.6 1.6 1.6 sphere 0 stopped_on_foot 023C: load_special_actor 'OGLOC' as 1 // models 290-299 Model.Load(#GREENWOO) Model.Load(#BALLAS1) Model.Load(#BALLAS2) Model.Load(#BALLAS3) Model.Load(#FAM1) 023C: load_special_actor 'SMOKEV' as 2 // models 290-299 Model.Load(#MP5LNG) Model.Load(#M4) 038B: load_requested_models 04ED: load_animation "GANGS" Marker.Disable(0@) $ONMISSION == 1 :1 wait 0 if and Model.Available(#GREENWOO) Model.Available(#BALLAS1) Model.Available(#BALLAS2) Model.Available(#BALLAS3) Model.Available(#MP5LNG) Model.Available(#MP5LNG) Model.Available(#M4) 023D: special_actor 1 loaded 023D: special_actor 2 loaded jf @1 :2 wait 0 if and Model.Available(#FAM1) 04EE: animation "GANGS" loaded jf @2 :3 09C7: change_player $PLAYER_CHAR model_to #FAM1 // Changes CJ to a Grove Member 1@ = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL01, 2535.6638, -1711.4127, 13.4528) Actor.Angle(1@) = 92.0506 Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 2531.6365, -1711.2782, 13.463) Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 267.9048 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 02A3: enable_widescreen 1 Camera.SetPosition(2533.3523, -1704.2892, 13.3828, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.PointAt(2533.2375, -1717.7877, 13.5119, 2) 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "prtial_gngtlkA" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time -1 // versionA 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "prtial_gngtlkC" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time -1 // versionA 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'HCISI' time 3000 flag 0 // ~y~OG LOC~s~ ~s~Hey CJ I heard Smoke is plotting something against us. wait 3000 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'BCWAT' time 3000 flag 0 // ~b~CJ~s~ ~s~What!? wait 3000 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'HWTGB' time 3000 flag 0 // ~y~OG LOC~s~ ~s~He wants to give the Ballas ~g~Grove Street~g~ wait 3000 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'TMFO' time 3000 flag 0 // ~b~CJ~s~ I'm gonna teach him a lesson, I'll bring back his head. wait 2000 0687: clear_actor 1@ task 0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task Actor.DestroyInstantly(1@) Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut 02A3: 0 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 20@ = Pickup.Create(1242, 3, 2533.8599, -1692.5447, 13.684) 21@ = Pickup.Create(1240, 3, 2531.9709, -1691.2676, 13.7228) 2@ = Car.Create(#GREENWOO, 2509.1758, -1671.2665, 13.0802) Car.Angle(2@) = 349.416 Marker.CreateAboveCar(3@, 2@) Marker.SetColor(3@, 1) 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'GITC' time 3000 flag 0 // Get in the ~g~Car~g~ :4 wait 0 if or not Car.Wrecked(2@) not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) jf @8 if Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 2@) jf @4 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'GTBSD' time 3000 flag 0 // ~s~Go to ~y~Big Smoke's Dealing Place~s~ Marker.Disable(3@) 018A: 3@ = create_checkpoint_at 2580.396 -2113.0833 1.2353 03BC: 4@ = create_sphere_at 2580.396 -2113.0833 1.2353 radius 3.0 :5 wait 0 if or not Car.Wrecked(2@) not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) jf @8 if 0103: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 2580.396 -2113.0833 1.2353 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0 sphere 0 stopped_in_car jf @5 Marker.Disable(3@) 03BD: destroy_sphere 4@ Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 02A3: enable_widescreen 1 Camera.SetPosition(2571.2976, -2131.1406, 0.2417, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.PointAt(2553.8467, -2131.9604, 0.1888, 2) 5@ = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL02, 2559.7205, -2135.7397, -0.0114) Actor.Angle(5@) = 357.2468 6@ = Actor.Create(Gang1, #BALLAS1, 2559.7141, -2133.241, 0.1261) Actor.Angle(6@) = 183.6585 7@ = Actor.Create(Gang1, #BALLAS2, 2554.731, -2130.6677, 0.2599) Actor.Angle(7@) = 267.3192 8@ = Actor.Create(Gang1, #BALLAS3, 2554.9951, -2130.3743, 0.276) Actor.Angle(8@) = 271.0067 01B2: give_actor 5@ weapon 31 ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B2: give_actor 6@ weapon 29 ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B2: give_actor 7@ weapon 29 ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B2: give_actor 8@ weapon 29 ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this 0687: clear_actor 5@ task 0687: clear_actor 6@ task 01B9: set_actor 5@ armed_weapon_to 31 01B9: set_actor 6@ armed_weapon_to 29 01B9: set_actor 7@ armed_weapon_to 29 01B9: set_actor 8@ armed_weapon_to 29 081A: set_actor 5@ weapon_skill_to 0 0946: set_actor 5@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1 0946: set_actor 6@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1 0946: set_actor 7@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1 0946: set_actor 8@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1 087E: set_actor 5@ weapon_droppable 0 087E: set_actor 6@ weapon_droppable 0 087E: set_actor 7@ weapon_droppable 0 087E: set_actor 8@ weapon_droppable 0 0605: actor 5@ perform_animation_sequence "prtial_gngtlkB" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time -1 // versionA 0605: actor 6@ perform_animation_sequence "prtial_gngtlkD" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time -1 // versionA 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'IGIT' time 3000 flag 0 // ~r~Smoke~s~ I'll give to y'all at--Wait...CJ!? wait 2000 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 02A3: enable_widescreen 0 Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut 062F: 9@ = create_group_type 0 0630: put_actor 5@ in_group 9@ as_leader 0631: put_actor 6@ in_group 9@ 0631: put_actor 7@ in_group 9@ 0631: put_actor 8@ in_group 9@ 05E2: AS_actor 5@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 6@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 7@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 8@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Marker.CreateAboveActor(10@, 5@) Marker.CreateAboveActor(11@, 6@) Marker.CreateAboveActor(12@, 7@) Marker.CreateAboveActor(13@, 8@) Marker.SetColor(10@, 0) 0165: set_marker 11@ color_to 0x400080FF 0165: set_marker 12@ color_to 0x400080FF 0165: set_marker 13@ color_to 0x400080FF :6 wait 0 if not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) jf @8 if and Actor.Dead(5@) Actor.Dead(6@) Actor.Dead(7@) Actor.Dead(8@) jf @6 Marker.Disable(10@) Marker.Disable(11@) Marker.Disable(12@) Marker.Disable(13@) Actor.StorePos(5@, 14@, 15@, 16@) 17@ = Pickup.Create(1254, 3, 14@, 15@, 16@) 04C4: store_coords_to 30@ 31@ 32@ from_actor 5@ with_offset 0.0 -3.0 0.0 Camera.SetPosition(30@, 31@, 32@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera.PointAt(14@, 15@, 16@, 2) 0512: show_permanent_text_box 'CHBH' 03DC: 25@ = create_marker_above_pickup 17@ Marker.SetColor(25@, 0) :7 wait 0 if not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) jf @8 if Pickup.Picked_up(17@) jf @7 09C7: change_player $PLAYER_CHAR model_to #NULL 03D5: remove_text 'CHBH' Pickup.Destroy(17@) Pickup.Destroy(20@) Pickup.Destroy(21@) Camera.Restore 0394: play_music 1 01E3: show_text_1number_styled GXT 'M_PASS' number 2000 time 5000 style 1 // NEW HIGH SCORE!!~n~~w~~1~ Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 2000 $ONMISSION == 0 Actor.RemoveReferences(5@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) Actor.RemoveReferences(6@) Actor.RemoveReferences(7@) Actor.RemoveReferences(8@) 0249: release_model #GREENWOO 0249: release_model #M4 0249: release_model #MP5LNG 0249: release_model #BALLAS1 0249: release_model #BALLAS2 0249: release_model #BALLAS3 04EF: release_animation "GANGS" jump @0 :8 // Mission CleanUp list for dieing 00BA: show_text_styled GXT 'M_FAIL' time 5000 style 1 $ONMISSION == 0 09C7: change_player $PLAYER_CHAR model_to #NULL Actor.RemoveReferences(5@) Car.RemoveReferences(2@) Actor.RemoveReferences(6@) Actor.RemoveReferences(7@) Actor.RemoveReferences(8@) 04EF: release_animation "GANGS" 0249: release_model #GREENWOO 0249: release_model #M4 0249: release_model #MP5LNG 0249: release_model #BALLAS1 0249: release_model #BALLAS2 0249: release_model #BALLAS3 jump @0