[FilterScript] [FS] Shark Circling Filterscript!! By Pghpunkid

Yep, 2 days of trial and error and re-visiting trigonometric functions for the first time since high school!! Now i release it to save you guys do you dont waste 2+ days of coding, and recoding.

In the script the definitions are easy..

At the top of the script youll see a few variables.

-Ox = Origin X Change this to the point you want the shark to circle (X Value only).
-Oy = Origin Y Change this to the point you want the shark to circle (Y Value only).
-Radius How many units on each side of the Origin you want him to circle.

Thats really all that should be changed. If you wanna change the speed of the degree change, set the timer to a higher number, and if you want the shark to swim faster, change the speed in MoveObject. Other than that, have fun!

I was inspired by seeing Crazybobs bull at the farm and this is basically the same thing, just with a shark, and reverse engineering.



Quick Clip of the script:

Hope you like it!


Pick? If i see a pick i will test XD

Pick? What do you mean pick?

I think he means pic, which means a picture.

I knew that.. But why do you guys need a picture.... a shark, that moves in a circle. You can change where and how big he circles... >.>?

Yeah, I wrote one for [The Fake] that does pretty much the same thing...Except you control:
The number of Sharks
The direction in which they each swim (individually)
The separation between each Shark
The speed of each Shark
- and the thing I really liked -
The damage each Shark did If he swam into you (from none to insta-kill...I mean, what good is a Shark that doesn't bite?)

I have a movie clip of them in action around somewhere but I just migrated to a new laptop so things are rather confused around Spectre's Sanctum right now...

Alas, [The Fake] never used it...Shame really...

P.S. I also adapted it to have the little wooden boat from Zero's RC shop to float lazily around the fountains on "The Strip" and in ponds...Works for Turtles too...Hell, I even had the "dead cop" model floating around the cemetery...You can animate ANY object (along with what pghpunkid said)...

P.P.S. One thing to note is some objects are "solid" while others are not...The non-solid ones work best so as not to "knock" or "block" the player's motion...

P.P.S. Hey pghpunkid...Remember back in high school math when we all said "But I'll never use these stupid equations?"...


Originally Posted by Spectre
P.P.S. Hey pghpunkid...Remember back in high school math when we all said "But I'll never use these stupid equations?"...
Hehehe... "Sohcahtoa".. I thought that was a dance.

And the difference between my script and other peoples scripts.... Mine was made to release.

Screens please ...

Originally Posted by Pghpunkid

ok, Ty very much for doing the maths i cant do Can I use and mod this to whatever I want it to do? with your credits ofcourse

Yea, you guys know the drill, use change, redistribute, whatever.. just include credits. I have a video. Im uploading to ******* now.

By boemeles

Vehicle Fun with CirkularCarSpawner ™® ^^

I love it

Originally Posted by [ЯЈ®†
$!7ЈС©!Х™ ]
<big image goes here>

Vehicle Fun with CirkularCarSpawner ™® ^^

I love it
wo0t nice mod! lotus exige?


Originally Posted by Kelito
Originally Posted by [ЯЈ®†
$!7ЈС©!Х™ ]
<big image goes here>
Vehicle Fun with CirkularCarSpawner ™® ^^
I love it
wo0t nice mod! lotus exige?
damn, why do i always forget to take an other vehicle saves a lot of remarks... Anyway: it should be a porsche carrera, but i douvt it

anyway: Pghpunkid ty again

I got post jacked.. And i added a video to the first post..

Nice calculations it runs really nicely.

changed the speed but it still wont go any faster

Did you change the Update speed and Object speed?

if i c hange update speed to 1 wouldnt it be the same as 1000

idk. One is the sharks object speed, another is the update delay.

1. it's atleast solid ?
2. what's so special..

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