Long Island Roleplay - Help

I am looking for people who can script good, I.E - factions, commands, admin commands, admin ranks, lspd commands and much much more. This server is going to be a New.txt file base script meaning noone will own the script apart from the creators. If you a interested in aiding myself and 1 other man in the creation. Please Private message me and we will talk.

Well Most scripters.

1 Well want paying
2 There not going to do it and waste time without server ambitions and ideas
3 Learn to spell
4 And by the creators you mean scripters will script it and you will take credits

Originally Posted by moehq
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Well Most scripters.

1 Well want paying
2 There not going to do it and waste time without server ambitions and ideas
3 Learn to spell
4 And by the creators you mean scripters will script it and you will take credits

Yea, like others said.

1. Learn some grammar.
2. Scripters don't script for free, some say they will, but they are a no show.
3. You need to be dedicated, as well as professional.

I don't think someone will do this. Either pay some money or make your project look promising and ambitious.

They are right, Scripters wont script for you just like that.. they'll waste their time with you if their having benefits,


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