[GameMode] [GM] Underground Drag [0.2]

Underground Drag
General Details:
  • Since my script didn't workout as being in a community, I decided to release it as a regularly updated script. I will be constantly adding features into this gamemode. The current version is 0.2.
0.2 Features:
  • Fuel System
    An advanced fuels system which has realistic gas depletion, realistic refuels, and realistic storage. Your gas consumption depends on the speed you are going.

  • Vehicle Selection
    Unlike most gamemodes, this one has a very easy to use vehicle selection. Be warned, the car you pick is the car you keep forever!

  • Fuel Barrel System
    You can keep a small barrel of fuel in the back of trunk as a backup trunk. If you runout of fuel, you can refill the fuel in your car with the barrel. Your barrels can develop leaks and become useless after many uses.

  • Registration System
    This script contains a very extensive registration system. It is a big part in the gamemode. It saves your vehicle, your fuel, your fuel barrels, and most other info related to the gamemode and racing.

  • Records System
    Every time you finish a race, your place and race time are recorded. Losses are 3rd-5th place. 2nd place is 2nd place. Wins are 1st places. Your best time that you ran on the drag track is recorded also.

  • Race System
    If you arn't lined up, you can be disqualified from the race if you are taking part. The green houses indicate where you can lineup. The start lights are located on the right-center side and shift like real lights also!

0.3 Planned Features:
Coming very soon....

0.2 Download:

0.2.8 Details [Script Speed Update]:
Less timers
Admin system
  • RCON Admin Commands:
    * /setref [playerid] | Sets the given player to admin.
    * /delref [playerid] | Sets the given player to nonadmin.

  • Admin Commands:
    * /ban [playerid] | Bans a players IP and his account so that if he tries to ban evade, he gets kicked on log.
    * /unban [playername] | Unbans a players account so he can log back on without being kicked.
    * /freeze [playerid]
    * /unfreeze [playerid]
    * /nuke [playerid]
    * /banall
    * /kickall
    * /clearchat
    * /announce [text]
    * /ip [playerid]
    * /kill [playerid]
    * /kick [playerid]
0.2.8 Download:

Do not modify or redistribute without my written consent! Period, big fat period!


that's nice

a sug for next version:

Speed-o-Meter ?

Already has one, has a 0-60mph counter.

Oh cool!

Just had a rough look through it.
It is infact very very good. I like the way you can select your cars and is recommended to download mods.
Good mode! Love it.

seems cool, gonna try it out

i spawn to the car selection but i cant select car and press shift to spawn

Sometimes you have to tap it really fast and keep tapping it.

Good Gm

Originally Posted by Pixels^
  • Fuel System
    An advanced fuels system which has realistic gas depletion, realistic refuels, and realistic storage. Your gas consumption depends on the speed you are going.
I must check it, if its as you say, this is an amazing system!

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