Developing a website

Hello all, i am developing a flash website, and i know the resolution for you it's not the best, but whatever, what do you think on this design:

The old website design, of blackspeed-gsp has maiden by gamer93, im now making my own, and i want some suggestions for the background and others things, because im bad with that -.-
Please comment, give suggestions and rate(if you like)
live website: here resolution can be big for you(1680 x 1024).

Just a heads up, its probally not to use that image, because it was made by EA.

well i just used the battlefield 3 image just to be a "black template"
Anyways... i want suggestions because of this. images, links, and others things....

Flash is about the worst thing you can do. Judging from your signature though, VolumeDrive is also the worst thing you can do, and you're doing it.

looks cool, i suck at website design

Originally Posted by iLinx
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Flash is about the worst thing you can do. Judging from your signature though, VolumeDrive is also the worst thing you can do, and you're doing it.
Im talking about the website, not about the servers hosts.

I thought I'd make a list, it seems like it'd be appropriate in this case:
  • Resolution - but you already know that
  • Fonts - a very poor choice of them. This isn't 2001 any more, you can't just use Times New Roman everywhere and expect it to fit in to the design
  • Flash is dying - you should be looking in to HTML5 and CSS3 - and javascript. Adobe announced that they're dropping support for mobile devices i.e. tablets, smartphones, etc, which are going to become increasingly more significant over the coming years
  • Poorly structured sentences/bad use of the English language - even on a temporary page, language matters. Don't bore your visitors, and keep your messages short and sweet, where possible
  • The name - not about the design, but the name you've chosen sounds really generic, dull and quite frankly crap - I'd rather hear about 'Super Cool Roleplay' than 'Extreme Servers' - and that's even more of a redundant exaggeration
  • Disgusting header - the buttons are hard to find, and honestly I didn't see them when I first looked at the image - you need to make them more distinctive, who's going to notice them otherwise? And again, the fonts and use of language
  • Opacity - perhaps an improvement to the design, other than what I've already mentioned, would be to change the opacity of the background to something less bright - to possibly draw attention away from the background

Calgon has already highlighted the bad sides, i'll make a list of the good points.
  • Nice use of background-image:url

I think you should remove Battle Field text and add your community name

Well I do have to agree with Calgon, flash is dying. HTML5 is the new generation of web design. You can code a website whith flash like effects using HTML5 and CSS3. Ye and times new roman font is way outdated, use a modern font! like calibri. Well anyway that is all I have to say. I suggest you start HTML5 and CSS3 designs

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