12.11.2011, 00:45
My problem is, that I have a duel system. you can invite people, accept and decline duels. Apparently the accept and decline features work because I do it and it says I wasn't invited to a duel. Same with decline. However when I do /duel invite and fill the parameters nothing happens at all (nothing at all).
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/RnZsJEKT
My problem is, that I have a duel system. you can invite people, accept and decline duels. Apparently the accept and decline features work because I do it and it says I wasn't invited to a duel. Same with decline. However when I do /duel invite and fill the parameters nothing happens at all (nothing at all).
pawn Код:
new szString[128];
if ( isnull ( params ) )
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Format:{FF9900} /duel (invite, accept, decline, block)");
if ( strcmp ( params, "invite", true ) == 0 )
new iVictim, iTrack;
if ( sscanf ( params, "ii", iVictim, iTrack ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Format:{FF9900} /duel invite [playerid] [track] "),
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Tracks:{FF9900} [Stadium: 1] [Star Tower: 2] [Trailer Park: 3] " );
if ( iVictim == playerid )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You can't challenge yourself." );
if ( IsPlayerNPC ( iVictim ) )
return SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, " You cannot do this to NPC's!" );
if ( BlockingDuels[iVictim] == 1)
return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: This person is blocking duels. ");
if ( iTrack < 0 || iTrack > 3 )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Tracks:{FF9900} [Stadium: 1] [Star Tower: 2] [Trailer Park: 3] " );
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( iVictim ) )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: Player is not connected. " );
if ( iVictim == playerid )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You can't have a duel with yourself.");
Invited[playerid] = iVictim;
InvitedBy[iVictim] = playerid;
Track[playerid] = iTrack;
new szTrack[32];
switch ( iTrack )
case 0: szTrack = "Stadium";
case 1: szTrack = "Star Tower";
case 2: szTrack = "Trailer Park";
format( szString, 128, "DUEL: %s is challenging you to a duel [Track: %s]. Type /duel decline or /duel accept.", GetName( playerid ), szTrack );
SendClientMessage( iVictim, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szString );
else if ( strcmp ( params, "accept", true ) == 0 )
if ( InvitedBy[playerid] == -1 )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: Nobody invited you to a duel yet.");
foreach(Player, i)
if ( Invited[i] == playerid )
if ( InvitedBy[playerid] == i )
format( szString, 128, "INFO: You've accepted %s's invitation for a duel.", GetName( i ) );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szString );
format( szString, 128, "INFO: %s has accepted your duel invitation", GetName( playerid ) );
SendClientMessage( i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szString );
switch ( Track[i] )
case 0:
SetPlayerPos( i, 1346.5876,2183.4434,11.0234 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, 1379.2778,2155.8127,11.0234 );
case 1:
SetPlayerPos( i, 1557.2540,-1346.5852,329.4609 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, 1529.0140,-1358.4303,329.4609 );
case 2:
SetPlayerPos( i, -19.9413,1379.3442,9.1719 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, 0.4619,1361.3961,9.1719 );
new rVW = random( 1 + 1023 );
GivePlayerWeapon( i, 24, 100 );
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 24, 100 );
SetPlayerVirtualWorld( i, rVW );
SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, rVW );
Invited[i] = -1;
InvitedBy[i] = -1;
Track[i] -= 1;
Invited[playerid] = -1;
InvitedBy[playerid] = -1;
Track[playerid] -= 1;
format( szString, 128, "DUEL: The duel between %s and %s has started! ", GetName( i ), GetName( playerid ) );
SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGE, szString );
else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You were not invited by this person.");
else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You were not invited by this person.");
else if ( strcmp ( params, "decline", true ) == 0 )
if ( InvitedBy[playerid] == -1 )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: Nobody invited you to a duel yet.");
foreach(Player, i)
if ( Invited[i] == playerid )
if ( InvitedBy[playerid] == i )
format( szString, 128, "INFO: You've declined %s's invitation for a duel.", GetName( i ) );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szString );
format( szString, 128, "INFO: %s has declined your duel invitation", GetName( playerid ) );
SendClientMessage( i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szString );
Invited[i] = -1;
InvitedBy[i] = -1;
Track[i] -= 1;
Invited[playerid] = -1;
InvitedBy[playerid] = -1;
Track[playerid] -= 1;
else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You were not invited by this person.");
else return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ERROR: You were not invited by this person.");
else if ( strcmp ( params, "block", true ) == 0 )
if ( BlockingDuels[ playerid ] == 1 )
BlockingDuels[ playerid ] = 0;
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{c0c0c0}You are now allowing duel invitations.");
else if ( BlockingDuels[ playerid ] == 0 )
BlockingDuels[ playerid ] = 1;
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{c0c0c0}You are now disallowing duel invitations.");
return 1;