Lock only locking..

When I am inside the vehicle, how can I make it so when I am not in a vehicle it'll still lock.

Sorry I cannot give a code because I am on my phone.

Just check for the nearest vehicle. Here is one from an old filterscript of mine, the code isn't mine. So credit goes to whoever made it.
stockGetNearestCar(playerid, Float:radius)
    new Float:SpielerX, Float:SpielerY, Float:SpielerZ, Float:CarX, Float:CarZ, Float:CarY;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, SpielerX, SpielerY, SpielerZ);
    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        GetVehiclePos(i, CarX, CarY, CarZ);
            return i;
    return false;

It worked, had to write it out xD, thanks mate.

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