******** virus anyone?

So apparently there's some sort of 'virus' on ******** that if you click some link about some video about Rihanna, you spread the message to all your friends, creating a huge flood of irritating wall posts:

Does this affect anybody else? (Also, should you haven't got it, it's just a warning not to click it)

There's many viruses like this moving on the ********, never click a video link if you don't know what it contains, also the Koobface virus is known to spread over the ********, so be careful when you're clicking something that you don't know what it contains.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
There can also be links to the third-party website on the ******** wall of the friend the message came from sometimes having comments like LOL or *******. If the link is opened the trojan virus will infect the computer and the PC will become a Zombie or Host Computer.
Yeah, never trust anyone.

I also heard there's some sort of virus for Andriods, once they log on ******** and(or) *******, their account data will be sent to the hacker.

I didn't ever get any virus on ********.

Yeah seen alot of these but don't know how they do it.

Spambots. Usually they somehow get your password and "steal" your account, or really run on your own computer taking over control when you login. This also existed in ICQs early days, or in MSN. They are harmless if you dont follow their links, expect that you might loose your account.

Would be nice to finally see a really harmful ******** virus, I dont like it.

Lol, I never knew these things were so frequent, lol. Thanks guys

Never click on those links x) There are much about these on fb ...

I never click on these links, because the last time I connected on ******** was the last year (xD). And I rarely connected.

You probably don't notice it because your news feed only reads 'important updates', that's the default setting I think.

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