how to get my microsoft webpage on the internet?

hey, iv made a webpage in microsoft word and it has several pages... how do i get that on the internet? like with a domain name and stuff ( and like do i need to upload the files to FTP or something and how do i do that then? help?

First, you need a domain and webhosting. Then when you get your webhosting, you will (maybe) see the FTP info. Use FileZilla

Originally Posted by rooney12
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First, you need a domain and webhosting. Then when you get your webhosting, you will (maybe) see the FTP info. Use FileZilla
i can get a free domain from but how do i use FTP now? i know how to use FTP i used it when i had my server.

Get a free webhost. ex. or Then you will se FTP info

Wait what.. Webpage... Word...
That's something my teachers did 10 years ago...

I read website and made in word...
you confused me for life dude....

I'm guessing he means Microsoft Publisher.
And for that, you need to export it to HTML.

After that, you use a FTP client to upload the files to your domain name.

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