30.10.2011, 15:47
Last edited by MrEdinLaw; 19/05/2012 at 03:21 PM.
Reason: Changed download Picture
Underwater Base
Command's: /Liftup /Gate
Everything works just for the skins 124 to 127 (The italian Mafia).
Download here.....
1.The Source Code also the PWN,
The base have some houses in the water and there is a pickup at a house nearby to get in the water also there is a gang house that works just for the gang skins and a automatic door that works just for gang members...
Also there are no credits or anything other.
Thanks to Pinguinn for helping me with This
Instructions:Just add it in Filterscripts and add it in the server.cfg after your filterscripts...
Sorry for the low quaility and other lagg...