What would be more "cooler" for a CoD Server?

Chosen Modern Warfare 3, it was the winning one and I'm proud of it :P
NOTE: This is my SA-MP COD server! Not another thing xD Sorry for the confusement though I CBF editing

Hello everyone, I have a server upcoming soon (Need to tweak some stuff and add some new features however, I would wanna see which would be better for a SA-MP server.

I own a real Call of Duty server, probably the one with the most CoDish features and original ones though I've seen heaps of Modern Warfare 3 videos and yet, that game is just fabulous. I mean I love what it's got in it, I wish to make all of those contained in there (I'll add some blackops stuff in too!)

So, what do you reckon I should make my server based upon?
  • Call of Duty: Blackops
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Call of Duty: (You can choose however has to be in the Call of Duty series)
Once I figure this out, I doubt theres going to be any changes. I plan to create nodes and stuff for drones, though that's upcoming soon.


With this gamemode I'm using probably the most efficient methods (basically up-to-date)
  • mysql (I guess it's not as fast as ini based, though what can you do? I mean 10000 accounts being backed up each day is a pain in the ass)
  • foreach/rBits/zcmd/timerfix (by Slice)/y_va (by ****** and zeex)/sscanf (not up-to-date with 0.3d lol)
I know, y_va doesn't have anything to do with speed and stuff, just simplifies work for me.

What other recommendations would you say to efficient coding? I mean, I'm going to be running about 3 modes at a time (probably even 4-6 in the future, if I can manage to get a stable co-owner with funds and helping me out)

Only thing I fear is lag, thats practically it and some slowness. I most of the time make functions with defines / macros. AFAIK, it's faster than a function (small ones functions = macro)


I've designed a unique GUI for the match stuff, I may exceed textdraw limits and such though yeah, I've got about 4 days of holidays and plan to finish this, and my UCP/forums up. If anyone can recommend me something to be based on I'd be happy.

I don't care if someone has the same mode name, at least I know I'm not affiliated with them.

This is a solo project except with some web help I've got 2 vounteers (System64 [designing forums, for us], XFlawless [helping me as a newb in PHP for my first UCP lol])


How would you like a UCP? Flash based or simple webpage based? What colors do you recommend?

I've been with blackops for 2 months now, it's too boring for a server like mine. It needs something supposedly more unique.

I'm not here to compete against anyone, I'm just here to get some recommendations from people. I'm not saying I'm the best scripter also, clearly I'm not and no way near that level of being professional like ******. I'm not bragging about anything, trying to get some opinions.

I've lost interest into blackops, apparently it turned really crap. This new base will be aimed to be identical to the game.

Yup, I have no life, SA-MP is awesome.

A unique gamemode, not some retarded random deathmatch or roleplay other people has made.

At least a twist to it.

Originally Posted by -Sneaky-
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TL ; DR:

I basically want to re-create All Points Bulletin in SA-MP.

I have and had many idea's for gamemodes for SA-MP over the years since I started playing in 2006, I actually was busy making the following gamemode idea from scratch until I got banned from SA-MP and gave up and deleted everything.

Now I don't plan on remaking it all again, and since I hardly play SA-MP anyways and only visit the forums and IRC once in a while I decided to share the best idea of all time, sadly I never wrote my idea's down so I'm making it up as I am writing this. Hopefully someone will take upon this gamemode idea, I'd love to see that happening.

The main idea:

Set in whole San Andreas, a criminal versus police gamemode called "All Points Bulletin: San Andreas", upon joining you must register and choose a side (faction): criminal or enforcer (each faction has it's own benefits - see below). Once you have chosen a side you will go through a small but fun to do tutorial, once the tutorial is completed you will be able to choose which city you want to spawn (LV, SF, LS, country side etc).

Each faction has contacts, these are stationary bots you can pledge to, once pledged you can do missions for them and gain contact standing, each contact has a max level of 10, once maxed out an other contact will be unlocked you can pledge to (ultimately unlocking the boss).

Once pledged you have to be ready to accept missions you will be able to set your ready / not ready status by pressing a button, once ready a mission for that contact you are pledged to will start automatically. Missions are all sorts of different things, this can be picking up a item and delivering it somewhere and then break into a house and steal a car which you have to deliver somewhere else.

Upon finishing a mission you will gain experience and a small amount of cash (depending on how well you did the mission). But that is not all, when other players are online who are around the same skill level (and part of the other faction) you will be automatically be matched up against them. Say for example I am part of the criminal faction and are on a mission, the system checks if there is anyone available for a mission with around the same skill level as you, the system matches you up against a enforcer and his task simply is to prevent whatever you are trying to do (like steal a car or capture a checkpoint).

Each mission has stages, if you fail stealing a car the next stage will start. If you succeed you will win the mission or the next stage will still start but it will be the other way around (the enforcer has to do something you have to prevent), in the second case the one with the most stages won wins, if it's a draw the final stage will initialize where for example you and your enemy have to hold a checkpoint and the one who holds it for the longest time wins the whole mission.

Now you might be wondering what about other players, won't they interfere with your mission (griefing you)? Well it's like this, if you are not on a mission you can not kill anyone (they have grey names to you), on a mission you can only kill your assigned enemy (who has a red name to you) and not anyone else.

You also will be able to create groups of 4 players max, the leader of the group can invite/kick players out of the group etc, do missions with your group and get matched up against other groups.

Basic Features:

Fully mysql gamemode.
Register/login/stats etc.
Dynamic systems for vehicles, houses, businesses, contacts etc.
Walking weapons server (no running weapons such as sawnoff/tec/uzi).
Max health is 100 (no armour AT ALL in the whole gamemode) - more quicker and fun fights.
Addictive gameplay, always something to unlock or to do (leveling).


Each faction, criminal and enforcer have sub factions which you can work for, for example:

Criminal Faction:

pawn Код:
Grove Street Families
    * Tier 1:
        * Grove guy 1
        * Grove guy 2
        * Grove guy 3
        * Grove guy 4
        * Grove guy 5
    * Tier 2:
        * Grove guy 1
        * Grove guy 2
        * Grove guy 3
        * Grove guy 4
        * Grove guy 5
    * Tier 3:
        * Grove underboss 1
        * Grove underboss 2
        * Grove underboss 3
        * Grove underboss 4
        * Grove boss 5

     * Tier 1
     * Tier 2
     * Tier 3
In the begin you will have to pledge to 'tier 1 Grove guy 1', and do missions for him, this is a low level contact and the rewards aren't that great, upon finishing this contact 'tier 1 Grove guy 2' will be unlocked and so on till tier 3 Grove boss 5 where you will earn much greater rewards.

Contact Rewards:

The higher the contact the better the reward is, more cash more experience points.
At level 5 and 10 of each contact you will gain a reward:

pawn Код:
* New weapon
    * Possibly limited use / unlimited weapon reward on a higher level contact
* Cash
    * Kills / deaths = ratio + stages won * 2 = $$$ reward (or something like that)
* Perk
    * Extra ammo clip / extra damage / invisible on radar / last stand / revive allies - etc/whatever you can think of which is cool and original
* Item
    * Health Poison / grenade / molotov / c4 / land mines - etc/whatever you can think of which is cool and original
* Other...
    * House / businesses / private parking spot on parking lot / bodyguards at house-businesses / nitro for your vehicle if you have any / access to certain vehicles - etc/whatever you can think of which is cool and original
Of course the higher the contact the better reward you get.


* Admins can add/remove vehicles from the game (excluding player/businesses/house owned vehicles)
* Vehicles should be categorized: bike/poor/expensive/bus/van/trailer etc


* Admins can create houses in-game
* Included is a menu of all interiors
* Not too many houses (should be 50% of max players to keep the house selling/buying/trading going)

You will not have a housecar at first, the first thing you unlock at a contact is a bicycle (IF you have a house), the next thing is a poor car, then vans like moonbeam, then expensive like sultan/turismo etc, then bikes like fc900, nrg etc.

You can upgrade your house with sprunk machines, microwave (example: to heat food, eat it and gain health - uncooked food will get you less health) and all sorts of stuff.

You can rent out rooms to other players (depending on how many rooms your house got).

You can choose to put a password on your house (which you can give to friends) or just the normal way of entering/exiting using dialogs.


Each businesses should be unique.
You can upgrade businesses, password them etc.



Upgrade guards
Upgrade businesses vehicle (2 limousines in front of the casino)
Upgrade casino safe/security
Able to close certain parts of the casino / restricted vip/clan area's (upgrade?)


You can buy items, find items, steal items, fish "items", etc which you can put in your inventory aka backpack (of course you can upgrade to a bigger backpack too to hold more items).
The purpose of items is so players can trade/sell/buy them on the market place, you can also sell weapons, vehicles etc.

Some items examples (each item can be stored in your backpack and you can choose to use the item at any time with a delay between using certain items like food to restore health):

Fish - Function: when consumed restores some of your health (IF your house has a microwave or w.e you can cook it, once cooked it restores a larger portion of your health).
Health Poison - Function: ?
Adrenaline - Function: ?
Bread - Function: ?
Weapons - Function: ?
Perks - Function: ?
Nitro - Function: ?

Missions (in more depth):

If you die in a mission you should respawn within at least 150 meters of the objective (perhaps defenders of the objective should spawn closer).
Missions COULD be random (pre-defined locations, objectives in a array or w.e) but it would be more fun to make every mission unique to it's contact.
Stages should have timers, so you got X minutes to complete a stage before you loose.

Other things:

Perhaps LS, LV and SF can be for missions where you can not kill other players except for the ones in your mission where in the country side you can kill anyone you like, so crossing from one city to an other will be a bitch.

Achievements, such as getting a achievement for killing X players, miles run/driven, completing X missions etc.

Things to do when not on a mission: street races/skydiving/minigames like rivershell - something with rc cars

Market place: a central spot in SA to trade/sell/buy items with other players.

Vehicle spawn machines: at gas stations you can spawn your vehicle (costs some $)

Ammo you must buy, if you didn't buy enough ammo and die you might spawn with no ammo in a mission.

Some sort of clan system.

You can customize your vehicle (if it supports that like sultan) and it will save so when you spawn your vehicle at a vehicle spawn machine it will have the mods on it.

Each faction has it's own unique features like enforcers would be able to arrest you and criminals can rob banks/casinos and such.


Well I think that's about it, got a little bit of a idea blackout here so I'll add more when I come up with it again (if I'm not too lazy).

An example ^

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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A unique gamemode, not some retarded random deathmatch or roleplay other people has made.

At least a twist to it.

An example ^
It's not retarded random deathmatch, nor roleplay ffs.

It's been constructed by myself from scratch, theres meant to not be any twist, since I don't find any in the COD series. Other CoD servers just come on to get ideas for their gamemodes and full on copy. I don't apperciate these people.

I plan to make contracts and achievements. Something addicting as said in your quote.

The more XP you have, the bigger the rank you'll have.

Ranks unlock perks/equipment/player customization objects/primarys/secondarys. The last cod version shouldn't be no way near the engine of this gamemode. However the main menu is looking the same however, it's been modified a lot.

I appreciate every single comment. Thanks for that, I got some ideas

Call of Duty: World at War.

Blackops with all those zombies...ftw! <3

Tbh I don't see the need for CoD servers.

1: They end up NOWHERE like the real game.
2: They're basically just plain team DM.
3: If people wanted to play FPS shooters like CoD/BF they would go and play the game.
4: CoD is the same crap for every year, so every server WILL be the same in the end.

Why not just create a team DM not based on any of those games? The idea itself is not unique; It's like The Godfather but just for team DM instead of RP.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Tbh I don't see the need for CoD servers.

1: They end up NOWHERE like the real game.
2: They're basically just plain team DM.
3: If people wanted to play FPS shooters like CoD/BF they would go and play the game.
4: CoD is the same crap for every year, so every server WILL be the same in the end.

Why not just create a team DM not based on any of those games? The idea itself is not unique; It's like The Godfather but just for team DM instead of RP.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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retarded random deathmatch
With other words: Make a Battlefield server.

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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With other words: Make a Battlefield server.
Battlefield server indeed, CoD gets old but Battlefield never gets old.

Originally Posted by iNorton
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Battlefield server indeed, CoD gets old but Battlefield never gets old.
With the new 0.3d RC7 features you could make a tagging feature (as you have in BF: BC2 for example). When a player gets tagged, their blip (or nametag) gets visible for X seconds.

EDIT: It would make more sense having Battlefield servers in SA:MP anyway (if you're going to create a server of a FPS game anyway) seeing as you have vehicles, etc.. Which you don't have in CoD.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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With the new 0.3d RC7 features you could make a tagging feature (as you have in BF: BC2 for example). When a player gets tagged, their blip (or nametag) gets visible for X seconds.

EDIT: It would make more sense having Battlefield servers in SA:MP anyway (if you're going to create a server of a FPS game anyway) seeing as you have vehicles, etc.. Which you don't have in CoD.
Well yea, some CoD series had vehicles but only few like CoD:WaW only tanks, CoD 1 or 2 not sure had tanks, bikes, jeeps and so on. But Battlefield was always its 2nd enemy, it always wont with CoD

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