24.10.2011, 17:40
The anim gets stuck and the player stand on a weird position^
How can I fix that ?
The anim gets stuck and the player stand on a weird position^
How can I fix that ?
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
// under OnPlayerText
if(FindIP(text)) return kick4IP(playerid, text);
new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new tmp[128];
new string[128];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHospital] == 1 || CanTalk[playerid] == 0)
return 0;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can't speak, you're muted.");
return 0;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, NPCX, NPCY, NPCZ) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, NPCXX, NPCYY, NPCZZ) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, NPCXXX, NPCYYY, NPCZZZ) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, NPCXXXX, NPCYYYY, NPCZZZZ) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, NPCXXXXX, NPCYYYYY, NPCZZZZZ))
new newnpc;
new npcname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new playaname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, playaname, sizeof(playaname));
newnpc = GetClosestPlayer(playerid);
new idx;
tmp = strtok(text, idx);
GetPlayerName(newnpc, npcname, sizeof(npcname));
if((strcmp("hello", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0) && (strlen(tmp) == strlen("hello")))
new sstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: Good day to you too.");
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2);
return 0;
if((strcmp("Help", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0) && (strlen(tmp) == strlen("Help")))
new sstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: Oh god? What's wrong? Should I call 911?!");
HasAsked[playerid] = 1;
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2);
return 0;
if((strcmp("good", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0) && (strlen(tmp) == strlen("good")))
new sstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: Great!");
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2);
return 0;
if((strcmp("fuck", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0) && (strlen(tmp) == strlen("fuck")))
new sstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: Please watch the language.");
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2);
return 0;
if((strcmp("call", tmp, true, strlen(tmp)) == 0) && (strlen(tmp) == strlen("call")))
if(HasAsked[playerid] == 1)
new sstring[128];
new ssstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: I called the paramedics! Be patient!");
format(ssstring, sizeof(ssstring), "All units: %s has called us. Please respond to him. Injured citizen: %s", npcname, playaname);
SendParaMessage(COLOR_RED, ssstring);
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD2);
else if(HasAsked[playerid] == 0)
new sstring[128];
format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "Bus Driver says: Call who?");
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, sstring, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2, COLOR_GRAD2);