Locations of Gas Stations

Can Anyone give me the locations of all gas stations in San Andreas there are too many for me to go round and do it myself thanks if u give them me +rep

Here they are
pawn Код:
// x,y,z in one line

3714.6628 522.0750 10.7310 -1
1004.0070 -939.3102 42.1797 -2
1944.3260 -1772.9254 13.3906 -3
-90.5515 -1169.4578 2.4079 -4
-1609.7958 -2718.2048 48.5391 -5
-2029.4968 156.4366 28.9498 -6
-2408.7590 976.0934 45.4175 -7
-2243.9629 -2560.6477 31.8840 -8
-1676.6323 414.0262 6.9484 -9 and so on :)
2202.2349 2474.3494 10.5258
614.9333 1689.7418 6.6968
-1328.8250 2677.2173 49.7665
70.3882 1218.6783 18.5165
2113.7390 920.1079 10.5255
2640.3997 1115.1472 10.5930
2146.6772 2749.3394 10.5925
1595.8685 2201.7771 10.5911
1388.5361 1496.2334 10.5926
-1464.4287 1863.5211 32.4067
652.9681 -560.4437 16.1085
1383.7537 461.6335 19.8969
1763.8405 -2539.2888 13.3183
-1657.7621 -313.3628 13.9160
-403.9550 441.2943 17.7999

thanks Bally but can u format them into if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10 Gas Station X Y and Z)) please

dont worry

read my update plz

Well they are in xyz format, already i wont be able to do the isplayerinpoint because my gas station willw ork diffrent to u but i will see what iu can do

also i dont know how the gas station script works because i bought the one im using at current off someone i will ask them and see what they say

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