08.09.2008, 12:28
Download (Includes .pwn and .amx) - Outdated.
Pastebin (.pwn only)
Basically it's a simple vote kick system. A player does "/votekick ID reason", then players will vote. (By /vote)
If people voted more than half of the people online, then the player will be kicked, else he won't if no-one votes.
You must have more than three players in your server in order for the person to be able to vote-kick.
Please also give credit, thanks![Smiley](images/smilies/smile.png)
Report the bugs here, I couldn't fully test it, (can't get more than three people IG), but from my knowledge it should work.
Will tell how many votes till the player can be kicked.
There's a limit on how many times a single person can vote. - 16 November 2009
Fixed the IsPlayerAdmin bug.
Download (Includes .pwn and .amx) - Outdated.
Pastebin (.pwn only)
Basically it's a simple vote kick system. A player does "/votekick ID reason", then players will vote. (By /vote)
If people voted more than half of the people online, then the player will be kicked, else he won't if no-one votes.
You must have more than three players in your server in order for the person to be able to vote-kick.
Please also give credit, thanks
Report the bugs here, I couldn't fully test it, (can't get more than three people IG), but from my knowledge it should work.
Will tell how many votes till the player can be kicked.
There's a limit on how many times a single person can vote. - 16 November 2009
Fixed the IsPlayerAdmin bug.