Train on tram-rails in San Fierro


I've got a problem.

I already figured out how to place train and I've placed 5 trains aroudn San Andreas (one at each trainstation).
Those trains work as expected. I can enter them and drive them around the map.
I searched the forum and currently, it's not possible to use both train rails.
All trains are on the same rail, I can live with that.

I added a sixth one on the tram-tracks in San Fierro, but I cannot enter it.

I've used AddStaticVehicle to create them in OnGameModeInit (all with model-id 537).

Why can't I enter the sixth one?
Is it because GTA think it's a tram (as it's on the tram rails) and you cannot drive trams?

Maybe you could do something with PutPlayerInVehicle(blah,blah,...); ?

I got this working using PutPlayerInVehicle.

Tram-jobs are now possible

The problem is it looks completely ridiculous as your player sits facing the front like he's driving a car.

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