User Control Panel suggestions.

Hello there dear sa-mp community.

I have been developing a UCP for a RP server and its soon to be released. Thing is it seems to lack features or well just seems to be emtpy. I want you to write what you would like to see on it.

Current features
  • Registration system with applications and RP test -> questions changeable straight from DB.
  • View your stats fully including each possible and useful stastistic.
  • Admin Panel to view, edit, ban and unban users.
  • Faction Panel to view, add and remove members. Chat included for all registered users inlcuding three different chats: Public, Faction and Faction Leaders chat.
  • Settings page to edit character story(bio) and change password.
  • Password recovery system with e-mail verification.
  • Online players list tracking both IG and on UCP active users.
  • Search user profiles and view basic info(level, LastLogin, character story).
  • Help page including information about server rules and RP generally.
  • Overview page explaining UCP.
To do list
  • Donation page with PayPal API.
  • Private messaging system.
  • MDC for Police and FBI faction - just a simple page to view criminal records of players.
P.S the design is done by Zasprex if anyone is interested how it looks here is the My Account page ->

Originally Posted by Barbie Girl
Like she said, imagination, life is your creation.

Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart
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Like she said, imagination, life is your creation.
Nice trolling bro

OT: To me it looks like its all finished and doesnt need anything else? In admin panel, put it so the admin can edit a players score, money and other stuff? That would maybe be usefull in some cases...

Lucky continental roleplay .
This is awesome!
Nice work!
If it was for sale, it would be worth of at least 200$.

Suggestion: change skin

Why do I like it so much:
It's not because of it's features, LSL one has even more features. It's because it is simply beautiful. Zasprex studios did an awesome job.

Looks pretty much done to me, I can't think of what to add. Just one thing, a way to start, stop, restart and edit the name of the server. Might be usefull. And thanks for the compliments I'll make sure I let the designer know.

use LS-RP UCP, it's awesome.

The application has to be a history..
and the adminstrator have to accept ^^

Originally Posted by Ricop522
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use LS-RP UCP, it's awesome.

The application has to be a history..
and the adminstrator have to accept ^^
how to download so cool ucp??

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