Battlefield 3 Beta

The beta was nt a great joy for me i done know about you guys but i think the game will be much better.

Just a pile of bugs and glitches.
Just another pathetic attempt attempt to turn the beta process into a marketing thing.

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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Just a pile of bugs and glitches.
Just another pathetic attempt attempt to turn the beta process into a marketing thing.
This is obviously not true. If it was a marketing scheme then they wouldn't try to sell it by giving bugs and glitches. They released the beta for people to get a glimpse of the game and for them to find the bugs and fix them for the full version. And they really are listening to players concerns and fixing the game, so I respect Dice for doing this, something CoD never did.

a beta is there to find those bugs and report them to get rid of them. -.-
not to moan about them all the time like a little kid and not reporting it

Originally Posted by lolumadd_
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This is obviously not true. If it was a marketing scheme then they wouldn't try to sell it by giving bugs and glitches. They released the beta for people to get a glimpse of the game and for them to find the bugs and fix them for the full version. And they really are listening to players concerns and fixing the game, so I respect Dice for doing this, something CoD never did.
The whole "get a glimpse o f the game" is a marketing thing.
As for the bugs, you are correct. Even though it still is the buggiest open beta i have ever seen.

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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The whole "get a glimpse o f the game" is a marketing thing.
As for the bugs, you are correct. Even though it still is the buggiest open beta i have ever seen.
You are talking shit, really, I have played for 9 hours, and the only two bugs I have experienced are, falling through the ground, which now has been fixed, and I had a bugged killcam, which also has been fixed. If you can't launch the game, or even install it, I am pretty sure the problem is with you, and not with DICE, as millions of people WERE able to play it without a problem.

A beta is a beta, it's not a representation of the full game, nor does it mean there won't be bugs. I think they did a perfect job in fixing the bugs that were discoverd, after all thats where a beta is for. If you're playing to actually PLAY the game, you're having a wrong state of mind, beta is merely to test for bugs, and feel how the game feels, not to get the highest possible score. (Hence the reason they didn't activate the anti cheat, just to see how the hacking community will react, how easy is it to make the hacks, I'm sure when it launches, they'll be banned).

First of all, i do know what i am talking about. I have watched over 120 minutes of Battlefield beta commentary and have tried the beta myself. Betas are about fixing bugs and glitches but they are also about presenting the game to the public.
While i think that overall the bug fixing is decent i would also have to state that i do believe the beta has been released too early (probably has something to do with the fact that Call of Duty is getting released next month).

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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First of all, i do know what i am talking about. I have watched over 120 minutes of Battlefield beta commentary and have tried the beta myself. Betas are about fixing bugs and glitches but they are also about presenting the game to the public.
While i think that overall the bug fixing is decent i would also have to state that i do believe the beta has been released too early (probably has something to do with the fact that Call of Duty is getting released next month).
Lol Bf3 is released this month, point being?

It wasen't released to early, if you're calling this alot of bugs you don't know anything about games.

Originally Posted by playbox12
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It wasen't released to early, if you're calling this alot of bugs you don't know anything about games.
I wish i had the time and power to be lectured by you. Unfortunately i dont, go do some research.

I rlly canceled my pre order for PC, maybe i will buy on the xbox...

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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I wish i had the time and power to be lectured by you. Unfortunately i dont, go do some research.
I am not lecturing you, I did my research quite well, you have arguments based on nothing more then viewing a couple gameplay videos. Get your facts straight.

The BF3 Betб was a 6 month old build, So the bugs are already fixed. And it was more a test if the servers could hold all the ppl that entered the beta.

Originally Posted by kikito
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i can't install it lol
beta is over man ended on the 10th

I read they lost over 100k orders, didn't they? That must suck...The game will probably be quite good but this beta was more of a marketing fail than succeeding. I hope they still get many sales!

I wasnt to happy with the beta, not because there were a few small bugs (this is to be expected), but just because the game isnt FUN to me. The map they released for the beta was huge (they all are), this sounds really nice in theory, but i found this to be a big flaw! The map was so big, there was hardly anyone around. The only time i actually found people was when i went into the room with the objectives- where i found most of the people camping. The game honestly felt slow due to this (It was like "Spawn - commute to campers - kill some - death. Repeat").

With that being said, i think that this is just a problem with ME. Some people really liked the beta, but i think im just not that kind of gamer. I tend to like games like black ops, where the maps are a medium size so there's more people around (and thus more going on).

If this game were to add more players to compensate for the huge maps, and support things like hardcore TDM and hardcore CTF, i would definitely purchase it and add it to my PS3 collection.

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