V-Sync On vs V-Sync Off

Ok, so as you can see many games has an option on video settings the " V-Sync ". My question is what is it beacuse i didn't notice any difference with it on plus it eat a about 20 - 30 FPS.

Vsync matches your monitors refresh rate/frequency, with a 3D applications frame rate.

In other words, It doesn't let your frame rate go above your monitirs refresh rate.

85 Hz. = 85 FPS
100 Hz. = 100 FPS
and so on.

Source: www.******.com

And I mostly play my games with vsync off.

Ok so why it takes some FPS when it's ON?

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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Ok so why it takes some FPS when it's ON?
There is no visible performance gain. If the frame rate of the game exceeds the refresh rate of your monitor, it means your monitor can't keep up, and therefore you don't get to actually see the performance gain.

This is an important thing to disable if and only if you are benchmarking your system. You don't want your average fps to be lowered simply because your refresh rate of your monitor isn't as high as your system is capable of.

This is the so called "performance gain", which incidentally comes when your system is capable of rendering at fps rates higher than your refresh rate, which is at least 60, but more like 85. If you're already rendering at 60 with vsync enabled, why do you need more, especially if it results in image tearing?

You seriously want me to quote even more?

Well, then i will keep my V-Sync off, my monitor fresh rate is 60Hz but with V-Sync on it keep 20 - 30 FPS without it 65 - 70FPS.

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