Help Getting Name

How Can I set a playername from use.ini file i want to do Someone like this SetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pFirstname]); But everytime i do it the server shutdown after login and If i try PlayerInfo[playerid][pFirstname] = SetPlayerName(playerid, "Firstname"); It sets there name Firstname Instead of the name in the ini file... 2 people tried and It failed.. Someone please help me >.... Im dieing here for a solution....

What?? xD

SetPlayerName(playerid, TheRoleplayName);

hhmm Would that work... i hope thanks for the response

No Clue what happen but it made the server shut down with this one....

SetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pFirstname]);

Putting ShowNameTags(false); under the OnGameModeInit callback would disable the Name Tag above the player's heads... but will not remove their name from the tabs list.

Putting SetPlayerName(playerid, TheRoleplayName); somewhere in your script will change the name tag and the tabbed name... but will not disable them.

There is no way for disabling the names in the tabbed list.

Edit: Hmmm... It shouldn't, where did you put it?

SetPlayerName(playerid, "Firstname");

Wouldnt let me login with ShowNameTags(false);

And your code wont Compile gives errors

But I want it to get the players roleplay name from the user.ini that they typed in to call them selfs..

I put your Code Under OnPlayerConnect Or should i put is somewhere else

... Okay after your registration/login system put SetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pFirstname]);

And under OnGameModeInit put ShowNameTags(false);

If this doesn't work PM me with a way to contact you and I'll put them in myself.

Biiii Cooorrrummmbaaaaaaaaaaa

None Of them Methods worked anyone else have any ideals... lol this one insane code .... and samp dont like it

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