
Hey guys,
Somehow my 3DTextLabel doesnt appear.
pawn Код:
new Text3D:Rank[MAX_PLAYERS];
    new R3D[50];
    switch( PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills] )
        case RANK1KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK1" );
        case RANK2KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK2" );
        case RANK3KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK3" );
        case RANK4KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK4" );
        case RANK5KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK5" );
        case RANK6KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK6" );
        case RANK7KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK7" );
        case RANK8KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK8" );
        case RANK9KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK9" );
        case RANK10KILLS: format( R3D, sizeof R3D, "Rank: #RANK10" );
    new Float:pPos[3];
    GetPlayerPos( playerid, pPos[0], pPos[1], pPos[2] );
    print("Creating TL");
    Rank[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel( R3D, RANKCOLOR, pPos[0], pPos[1], pPos[2], 40.0, -1, 0 );
    print("Created TL & attaching it now");
    Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer( Rank[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );
The 'RANK1' etc DOES contain information and the 'print' things do appear in the console; all of them.


Hey, I had this same problem, but since I know what was wrong, I can help everybody :P

You are using the Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer function. The player who the label is attached to, CAN'T see it. I think that's your problem. You think it isn't there because you can't see it, but others DO see it.
What you can do is use another computer at your home, to check it

Groetjes :P

Ah okay, didnt know that
Thanks, i will try

Originally Posted by Wesley221
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Ah okay, didnt know that
Thanks, i will try
Wow, did you never worked before with that? I thought you already know that. Hmm, and yes it's true, you don't see your own attached label.

Originally Posted by Kingunit
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Wow, did you never worked before with that? I thought you already know that. Hmm, and yes it's true, you don't see your own attached label.
I didn;t knew that before too :P

btw Wesley, also make sure the color for the label is one you can see! So, not white or something :P

I never really work with 3DTextLabels, neither with normal TextDraws Dont really like to work with that
And i picked a new color just for the 3DTextLabel, and it isnt white
First i was like, FUUU what did i do wrong, and since i know this.. well.. no comments
>: )

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