
I Just Bought A Server On Volt-Host.com And The Script Wouldnt Work, So We Tried About 4-5 more before we gave up, then we got a support ticket, and they said " Try re-uploading your game mode except using FTP, ensure it uploads fully (100%). You usually get this error when the file doesn't finish fully transferring onto your server." I Made a ftp account, but All works fine, only, it says i couldn't connect to the server:

I Need Help Volt Host Hasnt Replied For A Day And Its been 2-3 Days Now.

Your script wont load or run, meanign you have no server atm, yet you stil want good active players?

I may be being paranoid but it seems to me this is just a thinly vieled advert.

I think the gamemode is the problem, try to rescript it and put printf on every line..
+ don't forget Plugins used and edit the server.cfg

You are probably receiving an error in the server_log.txt file. Could you show that?

[01.24:48] Number of vehicle models: 0
[01:24:48] Failed to load 'gamemodes/LSCRP.amx' script.
[01:24:48] Script[gamemodes/LSCRP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"

[01:24:48]   Loaded 0 filter scripts.
[01:24:48]   Unable to load filter script 'Tolls.amx'.
[01:24:48]   Loading filter script 'Tolls.amx'...
[01:24:48]   Unable to load filter script 'CNPC.amx'.
[01:24:48]   Loading filter script 'CNPC.amx'...
[01:24:48] ---------------
[01:24:48] Filter Scripts

[01:24:48]  Loaded 0 plugins.
[01:24:48] --------------
[01:24:48] Server Plugins
Chat between me and my support:

Greenchat: Me | Blue chat: Support

Well, i'm trying to figure out where to put the files, etc, since like when i extract files into my includes folder it goes to my directory.

I'm getting an error "/LSCRP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"

It is Intelexe's script from sa-mp.com, theres nothing wrong with it, is it the wrong sa-mp version? Etc? please help.
Please hurry up, this has been here for 3hours+

Try re-uploading your game mode except using FTP, ensure it uploads fully (100%). You usually get this error when the file doesn't finish fully transferring onto your server.

Mark Prokudin

I tried, but it said i couldn't connect to the server. It didn't say anything about the Login, but it just said i couldn't connect. EVERYTHING was correc.t

Which login information are you using?

I made an FTP account. I have two currently:

desmond_2377 and kurt_2377. so i type in the FTP client ((Filezilla)) "leo.volt-host.com" or the ip for the hostname, then i type the username "kurt_2377" then my password. All works fine, only, it says i couldn't connect to the server:

Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

Could you also display your server.cfg file?

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password SunyogSP0835924
maxplayers 20
port 7781
hostname Perpetual Roleplay - [Low Refunds] [Strict RP]
gamemode0 LSCRP 1
filterscripts CNPC Tolls
announce 1
query 1
weburl  www.sa-mp.com
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

Very odd.

Clearly something is wrong with the game-mode then: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"

That shouldn't be appearing, search "Run time error 17" and see what comes up.

I've searched around and noticed none that was talking about a gamemode or scripting, etc. So, i don't know. Waiting for more reply's to see if more people with good experience to help.

Your .amx file is 0b in size. You get that error from SA:MP when it doesn't know what to do with the compiled game mode (in a nutshell), which is exactly what's happening when your game mode file is empty.

If you use FTP to upload your game mode, you won't have that problem (as I stated in your support ticket). More than likely either your game mode is too large to upload via the file manager or your browser isn't sending it to the web server fully. I've created a FTP account on your server and connected to it to personally confirm that FTP works for it, so you shouldn't be having any problems

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