What do you think?

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Yes lol
You though I was a fat chubby with glasses all day in front of a pc?
Hell no!
I thaught that you were Al Capone.

Yeah you look like a good skater from what i can see...a really good one. Im not a skater but i know about skating,my friend is amazing at skating XD

Omg you are not wearing the Skating armour xD (You know what i mean?), YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD. xD

Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio
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Omg you are not wearing the Skating armour xD (You know what i mean?), YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD. xD
I never did :b

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Yes lol
You though I was a fat chubby with glasses all day in front of a pc?
Hell no!

OT: Nice !!!

How much time did you felt,i was skating when i was 14.. I Found it hard to use the skater in the beginning..
Now,i'm used to it.. but i don't do those kind of flips and stuff,cause protection is first.. sometimes you might felt on your face,and boom.. Blood..

Originally Posted by Issam
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How much time did you felt,i was skating when i was 14.. I Found it hard to use the skater in the beginning..
Now,i'm used to it.. but i don't do those kind of flips and stuff,cause protection is first.. sometimes you might felt on your face,and boom.. Blood..
I've gone against a quarter pipe while going so fast in a skate board, blood all over the place lol :b
But I'm hardcore, no protection, but ye I should use them
I've been skating for 5 years, I stopped for 2 years and started like 2 months ago again.

Originally Posted by FireCat
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I've gone against a quarter pipe while going so fast in a skate board, blood all over the place lol :b
But I'm hardcore, no protection, but ye I should use them
I've been skating for 5 years, I stopped for 2 years and started like 2 months ago again.
Protection is first.

Never heared about PRO bike stunters who lost their legs,arms. maybe not even moving..?

Originally Posted by Issam
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Protection is first.

Never heared about PRO bike stunters who lost their legs,arms. maybe not even moving..?
You said bike

i would say your skating skills are very nice(never saw someone ho is a skating so i cant rate righly here)
and this picture look like a photoshop edit:

Originally Posted by xkirill
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i would say your skating skills are very nice(never saw someone ho is a skating so i cant rate righly here)
and this picture look like a photoshop edit:
I showed that the owner of a shop, do you really think I would photoshop it? -_-

In that pic looks like your farting hahahaha



Originally Posted by SlashPT
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In that pic looks like your farting hahahaha



Dude you need pics of mid-flip and stuff.

If you can bust tre's, nollie tre's, nollie flips (kick and hell), hard flips, fakie big spin flips, shuv it's and shuv it flips (some knobs call em varials) and the like, sure you can get sponsored.

But the photos don't show anything aside from air, except the grabs.

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