22.09.2011, 14:21
Последний раз редактировалось BlazeFury; 23.09.2011 в 10:25.
Please! I've been PM'ing, Posting and allot of stuff about one signature... no body seems to make me one...
So i Would REALLY appreciate if some of you guys out there make me a single signature...
Text: MoiZ Safe-Zone
Size: 430x175
Render/Image: http://safe-zone-ro.in/images/21673805376811765118.jpg
Anything else: I want "Safe-Zone" to be under "MoiZ". Please and thanks.
Btw, best of luck, IF you're making one...
So i Would REALLY appreciate if some of you guys out there make me a single signature...
Text: MoiZ Safe-Zone
Size: 430x175
Render/Image: http://safe-zone-ro.in/images/21673805376811765118.jpg
Anything else: I want "Safe-Zone" to be under "MoiZ". Please and thanks.
Btw, best of luck, IF you're making one...