
Has anyone ever had a problem which doesn't let you kill a player with default weapons like a deagle and a knife?

If so just say, if not I'll happily upload my script onto pastebin.

Just drop your code into the pawn tags [pawn] [/pawn]. Then describe exactly the problem. I don't really understand it ..

If you have a map that's relatively far out to sea - X or Y greater than 3500 or smaller than -3500 - then some weapons will not work. Nothing you can do about it.

Never mind lol, thanks for the replies guys. I just fiddled around with it and etc. I guess it works now lol.

Vince you get a rep for telling me something I didn't know.
King you get a rep just for being generous.

Alright, sorry for the double posting; But I didn't seem to fix the problem.

Code -

Click here for code.

Thanks in advanced.

Bump - Explaining better, when I log in and several others log in. The deagle and knife weapons don't work (never tested any other weapons), also normal chat seems to be blocked (not letting myself speak).

Try temporarily removing all stuff from OnPlayerDeath callback and see if it works.

This won't help the chat will it? But I'll have to test it later when someone comes online to help me lol.

Originally Posted by Yamoo
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This won't help the chat will it? But I'll have to test it later when someone comes online to help me lol.
Maybe you have loaded any other scripts that are fcking up the chat.

That's the problem, nothing was added onto OnPlayerDeath nor anything to intrude the normal chat recently.

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