IP based account

Hello, again. So i want to make an ip based account, so if there is an account with the same ip, you cant make another one. Im using ini.

When a player registers, save his IP in a file; then, check if that IP already exists and matches with the player's one.

So under pInfo i add pIP?


I'm sorry but i am not good at pawn. Maybe can you show me the code?
E: Um, with attempts, that means if you entered your password 3 times wrong, then you will be banned. ;>

Originally Posted by vent
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Hello, again. So i want to make an ip based account, so if there is an account with the same ip, you cant make another one. Im using ini.
Possible, but hard to achieve with ini files. The more accounts you have, the longer it will take to open all files to check one simple value. This is pretty much exactly what SQL was made for: handling large portions of data.

Just be warned, this is a crap way to handle accounts as most people have dynamic IP's...

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