[FilterScript] PPC Speedometer

Originally Posted by Skyny10
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Get out of the house your system is, many people would be happy for him.
If you mean, that I should launch my housing filterscript, it's almost ready.
The code is nearly complete (about 2900 lines of code), but all features still need to be tested.
Some messages need adjusting, but I think I can release my housing script somewhere this week.

Stay tuned.

Thanks I will be using this!


Now all vehicles will be refuelled when the script starts.
Vehicles are also refuelled when the vehicle respawns.

It also tries to connect to my housing script.
If it finds the housing script, it will check if the vehicle is owned by a player.
If it's owned, the vehicle doesn't get refuelled.

The reason is simple:
The housing script will also save the owned vehicle's fuel and re-sets the fuel when the vehicle is loaded/parked/...
That script will manage the fuel for the vehicle (for loading and saving).

Owned vehicles consume fuel the normal way though.

If you have vehicles that don't belong to the housing script (such as static vehicles created by your gamemode or other filterscripts), those get refuelled normally.

i like, its nice

Nice, i like

Looks good, i'll try it.

Very nice mate ive ofc already used all your systems and tested them out personally and all work great.

your mate


Nice script!
But I can't find any difference with speedometer system in PPC_Trucking.

Originally Posted by Derbyan
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Nice script!
But I can't find any difference with speedometer system in PPC_Trucking.
You won't find any difference, as the speedometer in PPC_Trucking has been extracted to work as a filterscript.
I did this because I want to create another gamemode when PPC_Trucking V2 is finished.
Starting with a clean gamemode again would mean to extract the same stuff over and over again for every gamemode I'll be making.

Using a filterscript skips this and allows me to work faster, as i don't need to re-create the same code for every gamemode.

But I suggest you don't use this script if you use the PPC_Trucking gamemode, as they "may" conflict with eachother.
I didn't test if they actually conflict, but you never know.

All my filterscripts are extracted from PPC_Trucking, so never use them with that gamemode.
V2 however NEEDS them for certain classes as they aren't built-in anymore.

I have a problem when i use this FS my health keeps refilling any ideas what would cause this?

Good, thanks!

bro , same as the house system , speedO meter does't show on the right screen

Looks nice mate.

Well done.

Thanks bro this speedometer is good for drift/stund/rp gamemodes :P

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