Originally Posted by Derbyan
Nice script!
But I can't find any difference with speedometer system in PPC_Trucking.
You won't find any difference, as the speedometer in PPC_Trucking has been extracted to work as a filterscript.
I did this because I want to create another gamemode when PPC_Trucking V2 is finished.
Starting with a clean gamemode again would mean to extract the same stuff over and over again for every gamemode I'll be making.
Using a filterscript skips this and allows me to work faster, as i don't need to re-create the same code for every gamemode.
But I suggest you don't use this script if you use the PPC_Trucking gamemode, as they "may" conflict with eachother.
I didn't test if they actually conflict, but you never know.
All my filterscripts are extracted from PPC_Trucking, so never use them with that gamemode.
V2 however NEEDS them for certain classes as they aren't built-in anymore.