SA-MP 0.3d RC client/server (now released)

oh man really better functions :X

I loved this functionas best


native RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, modelid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRadius);

Hope it has better weapon synchronize ..........................

Originally Posted by wups
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Nice supermarioroll.
I think
public OnVehicleRespray(playerid,vehicleid, color1, color2)
Should be fixed, since it doesn't work.
It works, but only gets called in mod shops, the wiki has more documentation on this.

Originally Posted by Diablosrouge
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Also, I hope the RELOAD BUG that was reported dozens of times get finally FIXED for good.
It is NOT a bug, it's intentional feature - the game has no reload action, you reload by switching weapons.
Please note that people have emailed rockstar support in the past, and they confirmed this is part of the game and NOT a bug, A LOT of games reload guns in this way.

Great update.
For me, there's the last thing missing: actual 3DTextLabels (not the current one's which are always facing the player) and the game will be just perfect.

Originally Posted by JernejL
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It works, but only gets called in mod shops, the wiki has more documentation on this.

It is NOT a bug, it's intentional feature - the game has no reload action, you reload by switching weapons.
Please note that people have emailed rockstar support in the past, and they confirmed this is part of the game and NOT a bug, A LOT of games reload guns in this way.
It is a bug caused by sa-mp, it just appeared in 0.3b or 0.3c, not sure tho, on previous versions the bug didn't happen... It's very sad people with such experience like you have low knowledge over the game bugs..

Very much awsome work!

Strange, but i don't hear sounds after ID 1190...

Originally Posted by JernejL
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It works, but only gets called in mod shops, the wiki has more documentation on this.

It is NOT a bug, it's intentional feature - the game has no reload action, you reload by switching weapons.
Please note that people have emailed rockstar support in the past, and they confirmed this is part of the game and NOT a bug, A LOT of games reload guns in this way.
He means the desync reloading bug, which will makes players to reload their guns very frequently.
It is due to the difference of FPS on players (which is not the main cause), causing the difference on the rate of shooting. An extra sync for the reload animation will cause this bug, since the other player will see 1 more reload animation when they thinks the shooter has shot all the bullets (which actually not, since there're differences on the shooting rate).

Besides, I found that you can't change the radio after doing StopAudioStreamForPlayer. You must leave the vehicle and get in again.



This is AMAZING!
Please, add supporting AAC, WMA and WAV streaming formats. Only MP3 isn't enough

Will whether the function to disable standart bots in the shops, snack bars and casinos? (Sorry my bad English)

Brilliant! Love the audio features and have a few suggestions for it - ill post it seperately though.


Awesome, now its very much easier creating anti hp hack


aww D:

i kinda thought 'awesome' aswell when i saw the topic, mostly because of the playerplaysound..
but playerplaysound is kinda bugged when you use an ID which continues whole time lol

Pfew it has always been my dream to delete all the lamposts!

Nice release candidate, waiting for further releases

Really surprised on the short distance update to 0.3d from 0.3c, it may be a test release but the feedback is not-surprisingly great.

Keep it coming SA-MP.

I hope there'll be AttatchPlayerObjectToVehicle and increase the attached object limit.

Originally Posted by White_116
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I hope there'll be AttatchPlayerObjectToVehicle and increase the attached object limit.
I'm guessing there won't be for the same reason why AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer was removed.

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