[GameMode] [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c

Raven's Roleplay [Still Under Developing]

This script is not for beginners

? Script Info ?
Hello many nag about ravens is bugged . so now I have taken the time to fix all the bugs I know.
do you want know all about this sricpt link here https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=140427

? Admins Command ?
Moderator (1)

SYNTAX: /check [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display the player's stats

SYNTAX: /setint [playerid] [interiorid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the interior of the Player.

SYNTAX: /setvw [playerid] [worldid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the virtual world of the Player.

SYNTAX: /mute [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Mute/Unmute a player and will prevent him of speaking.

SYNTAX: /kick [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Kick a player off the server for the written reason.

SYNTAX: /nick[playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Kick a player off the server for "Change your name" reason.

SYNTAX: /warn [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Warn a player for the written reason -3 warns = KICK-.

SYNTAX: /unwarn [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Remove the player's warnings for the written reason.

SYNTAX: /jailed
FUNCTION: Will Display the list of Jailed People.

SYNTAX: /blinded
FUNCTION: Will Display the list of Blinded People.

SYNTAX: /reports
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of the last 6 Reports.

SYNTAX: /masked
FUNCTION: Will Display all the masked players online

SYNTAX: /apm [playerid] <text>
FUNCTION: Will Send a private message to the player designed under ADMIN name.

SYNTAX: /freeze [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will freeze a player and prevent him of moving

SYNTAX: /unfreeze [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will unfreeze a player and let him move again

SYNTAX: /learn [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will kick the player and enable the tutorial for him again.

SYNTAX: /sr [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display the rules textdraw to the playerid.

SYNTAX: /checked [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player as checked (See anticheat feature).

SYNTAX: /notchecked [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player as non-checked (See anticheat feature).

SYNTAX: /muted
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of muted people.

SYNTAX: /frozen
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of frozen people (by comnads).

SYNTAX: /suspectlist
FUNCTION: Will display the list of the players that got spotted by the Anticheat.

SYNTAX: /richlist
FUNCTION: Will Display all the players that have over 1 Million.

SYNTAX: /slap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Slap a player.

SYNTAX: /kill
FUNCTION: Will Suicide.

SYNTAX: /messages
FUNCTION: Will display the list of messages that the player can use.

SYNTAX: /admin [text] or // [text]
FUNCTION: Admin chat between admins, will send the [text] to all the other admins.

SYNTAX: /warned
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of warned people.

SYNTAX: /ajail [playerid] [time(minutes)] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will administrative jail the playerid for the designed minutes & reason.

SYNTAX: /checkweapons [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display a list that the playerid contains.

SYNTAX: /spec [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Spectate a player.

SYNTAX: /turn
FUNCTION: Will display the TURN dialog.

SYNTAX: /givetime
FUNCTION: Will display the Time and Date for everyone.

SYNTAX: /ip [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display the player's id.

SYNTAX: /unjail
FUNCTION: Will unjail the player.

SYNTAX: /trace [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display the last 5 player's punishments.

SYNTAX: /afk
FUNCTION: Will set the admin AFK or Back.

SYNTAX: /pending [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will kick the player and set a pending ban on him.

SYNTAX: /registred [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display registration date of the player.

Global Moderator (2)
Moderator Commands + :

SYNTAX: /skydive
FUNCTION: Will drop the administrator in the sky with a parachute.

SYNTAX: /kickres [level]
FUNCTION: Will Kick anyone that is above of the level designed.

SYNTAX: /unprison [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Remove a player from the Prison.

SYNTAX: /punch [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will drop a player in the air and kill him.

SYNTAX: /setjob [playerid] [jobid]
FUNCTION: Will Set a player on the jobid that the administrator typed..

SYNTAX: /update
FUNCTION: Will Update the players accounts

SYNTAX: /agl [licensename] [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a license (to be chosen) to the playerid chosen.

SYNTAX: /agivepassport [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a passport to the player.

SYNTAX: /shiftname [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a free name change to the player.

SYNTAX: /skick [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Secretly kick a player

SYNTAX: /nopub
FUNCTION: Will Disable the /public chat.

SYNTAX: /txt [message]
FUNCTION: Will display a console message under ADMINISTRATOR Name.

SYNTAX: /bigears
FUNCTION: Will Set the admin on bigears mode and the admin will hear everything.

SYNTAX: /fine [playerid] [money] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Fine the choosen player a chosen amount of money for a custom reason.

SYNTAX: /fban [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Fake ban a player.

SYNTAX: /respawnthiscar(/rtc)
FUNCTION: Will Respawn the car that the administrator is using.

SYNTAX: /disarm [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will disarm the chosen player.

SYNTAX: /asu [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will administrative issue a warrant on a player.

SYNTAX: /cancelcontract [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will cancel the hitman contract on a player.

Administrator (3)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + :

SYNTAX: /ban [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will ban a player for the reason typed.

SYNTAX: /hog [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Kill the player.

SYNTAX: /announce [text]
FUNCTION: Will announce the text in the screen of everyone.

SYNTAX: /fourdive [playerid1] [playerid2] [playerid3] [playerid4]
FUNCTION: Will send the chosen players to dive.

SYNTAX: /mole [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a MOLE message to everyone.

SYNTAX: /fuelcars
FUNCTION: Will Refill all the cars with 100% fuel.

SYNTAX: /giveddtk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Give the player a DD Ticket (See DD Feature).

SYNTAX: /remddtk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Remove the player's DD Ticket (See DD Feature).

SYNTAX: /atake [item] [palyerid]
FUNCTION: Will remove the selected item from a player.

SYNTAX: /mark
FUNCTION: Will Set a mark at the player position.

SYNTAX: /gotomark
FUNCTION: Will teleport the admin to his previously set Mark.

SYNTAX: /oldcar
FUNCTION: Will Tell the Player his old player id.

SYNTAX: /gotocar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will Teleport the admin to the car id.

SYNTAX: /write [color] [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a console message to everyone with the chosen colour.

SYNTAX: /teles
FUNCTION: Will display a list with the teleports available to the administrator.

SYNTAX: /setage [playerid] [age]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's age to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /prison [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will send a player to Fort DeMorgan (Prison)

SYNTAX: /vehslap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will slap a player's vehicle and drop it in the air.

SYNTAX: /burn [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the player and everyone near on fire.

SYNTAX: /goto [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the playerid chosen.

SYNTAX: /god
FUNCTION: Will send the god's message in the console.

SYNTAX: /chuck 
FUNCTION: Will send the Chuck Norris message in the console.

SYNTAX: /respawnrentbikes
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the bikes that are for rent.

SYNTAX: /respawnrentcars
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the cars that are for rent.

SYNTAX: /giveddstk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a DD Spectation Ticket to the chosen playerid.

SYNTAX: /remddstk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will remove the DD spectator ticket to the chosen playerid.

SYNTAX: /srall
FUNCTION: Show the rules to everyone.

Senior Administrator (4)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands +:

SYNTAX: /setteam [playerid] [teamid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's team to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /anews [text]
FUNCTION: Will announce the breaking news in the screen of everyone.

SYNTAX: /gates
FUNCTION: Will display the gates that the Admin can open.

SYNTAX: /givemats [playerid] [mats]
FUNCTION: Will give the chosen amount of mats to the chosen player.

SYNTAX: /carreset
FUNCTION: Will Respawn all the cars that are unused.

SYNTAX: /setskin [playerid] [skin]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's skin to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /ddrights [playerid] [level(0-1)
FUNCTION: Will set the player dd rights to 0(non dd manager) or 1 (dd manager).

SYNTAX: /atcrights [playerid] [level(0-1)
FUNCTION: Will set the player ATC to 0 (non ATC) or 1 (ATC).

SYNTAX: /getincar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the player inside the vehicle.

SYNTAX: /setskin [playerid] [skinid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's skin to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /setmats [playerid] [mats]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's materials to the chosen ones.

FUNCTION: Will Clear the console chat.

SYNTAX: /sethp [playerid] [health]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's health to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /setarmor [playerid] [armour]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's armour to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /forceskin [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will force the skin of the player to the faction one.

SYNTAX: /explode [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will explode the player.

SYNTAX: /cnnn [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a GameText with the chosen style.

SYNTAX: /cnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the top of the screen.

SYNTAX: /acnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will do the same as /cnn but will add Admin: to the start of the text.

SYNTAX: /gethere [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will get the playerid chosen to the administrator position.

SYNTAX: /td [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will Display something similar GameTextForPlayer, but this has own styles and locations; this uses textdraws.

SYNTAX: /supervehslap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Super Slap the player's vehicle by setting it higher than /vehslap.

SYNTAX: /asellhouse [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the houseid chosen.

SYNTAX: /asellbiz [bizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the bizzid chosen.

SYNTAX: /setdrugs [playerid] [drugs]
FUNCTION: Will set the drugs amount chosen to the playerid.

SYNTAX: /givedrugs [playerid] [drugs]
FUNCTION: Will give the drugs amount chosen to the playerid.

SYNTAX: /asellsbiz [sbizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the sbizzid chosen.

SYNTAX: /setchamp [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid as Boxing champion.

SYNTAX: /copsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Suspend the player from cop duty (See Cop Duty Feature).

SYNTAX: /copunsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Unsuspend the cop from Cop Duty.

Main Administrator (5)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands +:

SYNTAX: /unbanip [ip]
FUNCTION: Will Unban the ip chosen.

SYNTAX: /startlotto
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto rolling.

SYNTAX: /startlottoex
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto but with a 12 seconds delay.

SYNTAX: /bizentrance [bizid]
FUNCTION: Will set the bizid's entrance to the administrator's position.

SYNTAX: /sbizentrance [sbizid]
FUNCTION: Will set the sbizid's entrance to the administrator's position.

SYNTAX: /moves
FUNCTION: Will Display the Moves Commands (/up,/down,/left,/right,/forw,/back).

SYNTAX: /tod [time]
FUNCTION: Will set the world time to the chosen time.

SYNTAX: /restartcars
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the ownable vehicles.

SYNTAX: /lottosay
FUNCTION: Will display the lotto say in the console.

SYNTAX: /asellcar
FUNCTION: Will Sell the car the admin is currently in.

SYNTAX: /weather [weatherid]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's weather to the chosen weatherid.

SYNTAX: /house [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the houseid.

SYNTAX: /biz [bizid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the bizid.

SYNTAX: /houseo [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator outside the houseid.

SYNTAX: /setdesc [houseid] [text]
FUNCTION: Will set the house description.

SYNTAX: /xgoto [x] [y] [z]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's position to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /say [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the console just like /rcon say.

SYNTAX: /houseentrance [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's entrance to the administrator's position.

SYNTAX: /housexit [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's exit to the administrator's position.

SYNTAX: /lottoann
FUNCTION: Will announce the lotto in the player's screen.

SYNTAX: /payday [amount(1-1000)]
FUNCTION: Will give the chosen amount to every player.

SYNTAX: /crash [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will crash the playerid's game.

SYNTAX: /adv
FUNCTION: Will completely destroy the vehicle that the admini is driving.

SYNTAX: /houseint [houseid] [interiorid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's interior to the Choosen one. (You can see interiors at /house 501-542).

SYNTAX: /(un)setcar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will set the choosen car to buyable, editable at /edit.

SYNTAX: /(un)sethouse [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the choosen house to buyable, editable at /edit.

SYNTAX: /dvehicles
FUNCTION: Will delete every created car.

Server Developer (6)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands + Main Administrator Commands +:

SYNTAX: /getcar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the carid's to the administrator position.

SYNTAX: /veh [vehid] [color1] [color2]
FUNCTION: Will create the vehicleid with the chosen colours.

FUNCTION: Will start the engine of the car without having to press space.

FUNCTION: Will stop the engine of the car. 

SYNTAX: /edit [name] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will edit the stat selected of the house that the administrator is standing at.

SYNTAX: /upload
FUNCTION: Will restart the server announcing an update.

SYNTAX: /createpickup [model-id] [type]
FUNCTION: Will create a pickup with the model id & type chosen.

SYNTAX: /makehelper [playerid] [level0-2]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's helper rank to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /(bank)reward [playerid] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will give to the playerid the chosen amount of money.

SYNTAX: /ccnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the screen of everyone under chuck norris name.

SYNTAX: /gcnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the screen of everyone under god's name.

SYNTAX: /(bank)money [playerid] [money]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's money to the chosen amount.

SYNTAX: /taxday [money]
FUNCTION: Will remove the amount of money From the whole server.

SYNTAX: /setcarhp [playerid] [health]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's car HP to the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /setcarpj [paintjob]
FUNCTION: Will set the paintjob of the car that the administrator is currently in.

SYNTAX: /givefight [fight]
FUNCTION: Will give the fight style to the player.

SYNTAX: /setlottonumber [playerid] [number]
FUNCTION: Will set the player lotto number.

SYNTAX: /setstat [playerid] [statid] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set playerid's statid to the chosen amount.

SYNTAX: /makeleader [playerid] [faction]
FUNCTION: Will set the player as leader of the Chosen Faction.

SYNTAX: /(bank)tax [playerid] [money]
FUNCTION: Will remove the amount of money chosen from the playerid.

SYNTAX: /setjackpot [cash]
FUNCTION: Will set the lotto jackpot.

Server Owner (1338)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands + Main Administrator Commands + Server Developer Commands +:

SYNTAX: /setadminlevel [playerid] [level]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's admin level to the chosen amount.

SYNTAX: /makeircadmin [playerid] [channel]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid as admin of the chosen channel.

SYNTAX: /rcnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the console under Raven's RP name.

FUNCTION: Will body and psychically repair the car that the administrator is in. 

SYNTAX: /setlotto [number]
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto and set the winning number as the chosen one.

SYNTAX: /(bank)moneyall [money]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's money to the choosen amount (CAN BE NEGATIVE).

SYNTAX: /resetofficertimer [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's officer test time to 0.

SYNTAX: /resetammutimer [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's ammunation time to 0.

SYNTAX: /setweapskill [playerid] [weapon] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set Skill of the playerid weapons to the desired amount.

SYNTAX: /gotoammu
FUNCTION: Will Teleport the player to the ammunation.

SYNTAX: /spayday
FUNCTION: Will force the payday.

SYNTAX: /resetpassporttimer[playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's passport test time to 0.

SYNTAX: /setalllotto [number]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's lotto number.
? Faction/Other Command ?

:: ACCOUNT :: /rules /stats /account /changename /rules /information

:: GENERAL :: /pay /charity /time /buy /unrentcar /unrentbike /switchkey /id /drink /clothes /doro /wo /knock /doorshout /resetspawn /resetupgrades(50k) /buygun /lock /skill /licenses /showlicenses(/sl) /report /atalk /animlist /stopanim /fuel (/re)port /cancel /accept /eject /usedrugs /contract /fill /admins (/f)actionlist /gps /chatmode /fightstyle (/wi)ndows /coin /trunk (/inv)entory /knock /knockout /give /gateopen /sid /smoke /(sur)render /cophelp /selectspawn

:: CHAT :: (/o)oc /me /(ad)vertise (/cw)hisper (/s)hout /(w)hisper (/b) /(l)ocal (/f)action /me /do /togfam /togpm /togphone

:: BANK :: /balance /withdraw /deposit /wiretransfer /atm

:: SAPD :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff /undercover /drugtest /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /ram (/su)spect /drag /copuntie /mir givepassport /showbadge /tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense  /mdc (/ta)zer /backup(/bk) /checkspeed /breathtest /backupclear(/bkc) /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball)

:: FBI :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /farrest /wanted /friskinv /frisk /take /ticket /ram /drag /copuntie (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /showbadge /agent /checkspeed /mir /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball) (/gov)ernment /duty /tracelastcall(/tcl) /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /breathtest /drugtest /givepassport

:: Military :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /sarrest /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /ram /drag /copuntie /equip /duty /checkspeed givepassport /soldier /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /tracelastcall(/tcl) /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /breathtest /drugtest /mir

:: Security Guard:: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc (/cu)ff /wanted /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /mir /arrest /duty /checkspeed

:: Law Leader :: /hunter /hydra /rhino /predator /dv /hydrarights /hunterrights /rhinorights /predrights.

:: Destruction Derby :: /dd /dd2 /dd3 /dd4 /opendd /giveddtk /remddtk /giveddstk /remddstk /ddcount(/ddcd) /ddfire /ddexplode /ddann /ddsay

:: Yamaguchi :: (/r)adio (/jap)aneese /steal
:: Chornaya Bratva ::  (/r)adio (/rus)sian
:: Surenos :: (/r)adio (/spa)nish /steal
:: La Famiglia Sinatra :: /gateopen (/r)adio /italian

:: JOB - Detective :: /find
:: JOB - Lawyer :: /free
:: JOB - Whore :: /sex
:: JOB - Drug Dealer :: /selldrugs /get drugs
:: JOB - Car Jacker :: /dropcar
:: JOB - Waiter :: /showmenu /cookuniform
:: JOB - News Reporter :: /paper /papers /live /news [text]
:: JOB - Mechanic :: /repair /refill /duty /tow
:: JOB - Bodyguard :: /guard
:: JOB - Car Dealer :: /sellcar
:: JOB - Stuntman :: /startstunt /stopstunt
:: JOB - Boxer :: /fight /boxstats
:: JOB - Taxi Driver :: /fare /®adio
:: JOB - Bus Driver:: /fare
:: JOB - Paper Boy :: /papers /bring /deliver
:: JOB - Trucker :: /buyprods /sellprods /load
:: JOB - Pizza Boy :: /duty /sellpizza
:: JOB - Farmer :: /startharvest /stopharvest
:: JOB - Illegal Farmer :: /startdrugharvest /stopdrugharvest
:: JOB - Drugs Smuggler :: /smuggledrugs /selldrugsto
:: JOB - Street Sweeper :: /startsweep /stopsweep
:: JOB - Materials Smuggler :: /smugglemats
:: JOB - Arms Dealer:: /creategun /buymats
:: HITMAN :: /portable
:: LESSON :: /startlesson /stoplesson /givelicense
? Credits ?
CuervO_NegrO - Gamemode Creator

? Special thanks ?
GTA-Roleplay Bugg Fixer
Modiano Bugg Fixer

? Bugs & Changelog ?

If you know other bugg PM or post here

:: Fixed /findcar
:: Fixed payday
:: Fixed /sepc
:: Fixed /Buyclothes / Binco bugg
:: Fixed so that women cannot /wank
:: Fixed When you register and take male you are male
:: Added /Bandana


:: Fixed 24/7 /buy
:: Fixed /engine
:: Fixed /v park
:: Fixed /asellcar
:: Fixed car system 
:: Added Plate system


:: Fixed 24/7 /buy in all 24/7
:: Fixed /engine
:: Fixed /v Plate
:: Fixed /setbizz
:: Fixed /sethouse
:: Fixed /Buyprods
:: Fixed /Sellprods
:: Fixed /tload
:: Fixed /rentroom
:: Fixed /asellcar
:: Fixed /duty
:: Fixed /rentveh
:: Added /smoke Anim
:: Added LSPD Police Chief office


Full Script - v4 - 0.3c
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Full Script - v4.1 - 0.3c
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Full Script - v4.2 - 0.3d R7
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Oh, jesus.

Originally Posted by Cruvenx
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Oh, jesus.
all that whining about it. so I made one of them bugs are fixed in place to help one at a time

Thank you so much im testing ill report if i see bugs.

But, the map bug it's not fixed? or?

Originally Posted by Cruvenx
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But, the map bug it's not fixed? or?
what is wrong with the map?

I can't see all players on the map. ShowPlayerMarker(1) or (2) not work. So, i cant see the other players on the map.

but there is nothing to show player Marker in sricpt :S

Know, it // ShowPlayerMarker(false); Or something. change it to ShowPlayerMarker(1); It not work. So..

i gonna check it and try to fix

Thanks alot man, I'll test it right now!

Originally Posted by Gareth
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Thanks alot man, I'll test it right now!
if you finds bugs post it here

Originally Posted by GTA-Roleplay
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if you finds bugs post it here
if i will find bugs i will report it here.


why linux?it works on linux

Originally Posted by Nech
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Works only for admin's if you dont edit it.
				    new idcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

		            if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) return 1;
					if(pveh == 510 || pveh == 462 || pveh == 481 || pveh == 509) return 1;
					    if(HireCar[playerid] != idcar) return 1;
					if(IsAHarvest(idcar)) return 1;
					if(IsADrugHarvest(idcar)) return 1;
					if(IsASweeper(idcar)) return 1;

					if(CanTurnEngine[playerid] != idcar && CanTurnEngine[playerid] == 9999)
					    return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* You cannot turn this car's engine!");

					new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
					GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));

					format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s spins a key and tries to start vehicle engine.", plname);
					ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_CHAT1,COLOR_CHAT2,COLOR_CHAT3,COLOR_CHAT4,COLOR_CHAT5);
					if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1337 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] == 1)
					GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Starting vehicle engine...",3500,3);
					gEngine[playerid] = 1;
					new y, m, d;
					new h,mi,s;
					format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s [CMD] -> /engine",d,m,y,h,mi,s,plname);
					return 1;

Uhm, what you talk about?

How do i Drive a police car whenever i press "/St" It says Bike doesn't have a key, And whenever i type /Engine, Or if i just press Shift nothing happens Please help me.

xShotxKillxx, I have same problem, but command /st must working at admin 1338 level.

Originally Posted by kudloc
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xShotxKillxx, I have same problem, but command /st must working at admin 1338 level.
I set myself to Admin level 1338 Nothing happens i still have the Exact same problem nothing fixed.

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