Your plans for the future, after SA:MP

Hey guys,
i'd just like to know.
about myself, im doing an ICT study, to become a ICT manager.
what about you?

IT >.>

A PLUMBER! Well i'm not completely sure, but something between a car mechanic and a plumber.

Plumber earns the most of the "normal" jobs in Finland ATM. (Varies between 2500 - 4000Ђ per month)

A dream of mine has always been being a guy travelling with a fun-fair, but that would require lots of time, and is only during summer.

So, i'm not completely sure. :P

E: Of course if our band would get a recording deal, that would be great but let's cross that out :P

I want to work with animals

Building engineering

Computer programming ^_^

Wouldn't mind getting a CMAD certificate (Certified Microsoft Applications Developer) or even working for Microsoft :P

I want a wife, and a son and a daugther, with a dog and like 5 goldfishs.

I want... everything


3D Modelling / Animation.


Video editing

Police hopefully, or maybe teaching >.>
Everyone wants to make a difference ^_^

Many routes i have though of, architecture, electrical work, engineer, on the rigs (big bucks) and a few more i cant remember.


Originally Posted by Westie
Originally Posted by Wadabak
Building engineering
It's either Civil, Structural or *both* engineering.
both=hybrid in here.

I have the choice to choose between 3 different areas in the building world. Civil, Structural and one, I don't know the name of that. Or I can choose a hybrid that will contain two areas.

I will see next year

I am currently in my last year at ORT Technical School, in Argentina.

I think i will work in PostProduction or Animation/3D Modeler.

i wanna be a prostitute

Originally Posted by |CrippinBloodDrippin|
i wanna be a prostitute
ooooooooooookay ^^ a prostitute ?? xDDD i dont wanna say anything but you want sell your body?? o.O

i want to create an Internet Caffee ^^

Might look into law enforcement but if that fails I can always fall back on my diploma and A-Levels.
Westie said he would employ me once he makes his own operating system.

A hacker so I can come back 20 years later and destroy the shit out of SA:MP.

lolbut no, an accountant studying law on the side suits me much better.

I wanna be a prOn player.I love so much this,

Working with computers. IT, programming, what ever.

I really wanna get into the game development field, and there's a college by me just for computers as game development, so i'm gonna be going there.

I also wanna go into carpentry if that fails. I enjoy building stuff, and my dad was a carpenter, and taught me like everything he knew about it.

EDIT : Forgot, besides computers, i love music and play guitar, so maybe i could go into music

A successful drummer or a pilot in the IAF

Computer programming. Currently working on starting a POS software company with my uncle. Great start!

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