Script Related Question

Does anyone know how to make someone the LEADER of LSPD if you are the *HOST OWNER* of the server? Or Create the LSPD faction? I don't know how to code at all so please don't give me RAW PasteDumps or what ever it is called. I go into the server and type /makeleader [name of person] [number of faction] and it says You are not authorized to use this command, when I am FULLEST admin of the game. Can anyone else tell me what I can do? If you want to know what GAMEMODE I am using please say it below.

First of all, there's a specific posts for this, second, use HUGE, COLORED text, it's annoying (no, that's not against rules). I support the idea of users creating a server without knowledge, as I believe everyone is free of doing whatever they please.

Atleast specify what gamemode you are using...

The game mode I am using is Christiania Roleplay - Released - LS & SF Edition What isen't against the rules? Can you send me a link how to do it because, I did /makeleader 0 1 for Police Force and it says you are not authorized to use this command.

Originally Posted by jake9110
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The game mode I am using is Christiania Roleplay - Released - LS & SF Edition What isen't against the rules? Can you send me a link how to do it because, I did /makeleader 0 1 for Police Force and it says you are not authorized to use this command.
Try making yourself level 1338/99999 admin, and try again.

Would /setleader work instead?

I never heard of the gamemode, but from the looks of it. Try logging in rcon (the password you set) and then use it, that should work.

Go into the pwn script, search "/makeleader" and look at what admin level you have to be.

Then make yourself that admin level, also try loggin in RCON as stated previously.

This is where he got the script..

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