Add Compiler ?

im making a Pawn Compiler with Visual Basic but just one problem

i got everything setup but just the compiler is missing because im having problems with adding it

if anyone knows how to do it can you pleas tell me how


what i did is
i loaded the pawncc.exe i redirected the Input and i imputed my own text which was the execute of the pawn file
which was
pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx
but dont forget to change the script.pwn & script.amx to the file directory that you want to compile

Just execute "pawncc.exe" with the correct parameters (take a look at my "Run PAWN Functions In-Game" filterscript).

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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Just execute "pawncc.exe" with the correct parameters (take a look at my "Run PAWN Functions In-Game" filterscript).
Ok will do thanks
ok so i will execute the pawncc.exe but if i execute it on its own nothing will happen so what needs to be added ?

That's why I said take a look in my filterscript.

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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That's why I said take a look in my filterscript.
so you do it something like this
WinExec("pawno\\pawncc.exe ./scriptfiles/ExecFS.pwn")
but the WinExec is your plugin

so how should i run the pawncc because im not using any plugins

something like this ?
'this would only run it but how do i configure it to compile the filter script.
should i wright some code into the pawncc.exe ?

ok i figerd that out but is abit difficult to set it up
i got a reading from the pawncc.exe Output
Usage:   pawncc <filename> [filename...] [options]

         -A<num>  alignment in bytes of the data segment and the stack
         -a       output assembler code
         -C[+/-]  compact encoding for output file (default=+)
         -c<name> codepage name or number; e.g. 1252 for Windows Latin-1
         -Dpath   active directory path
         -d<num>  debugging level (default=-d1)
             0    no symbolic information, no run-time checks
             1    run-time checks, no symbolic information
             2    full debug information and dynamic checking
             3    same as -d2, but implies -O0
         -e<name> set name of error file (quiet compile)
         -H<hwnd> window handle to send a notification message on finish
         -i<name> path for include files
         -l       create list file (preprocess only)
         -o<name> set base name of (P-code) output file
         -O<num>  optimization level (default=-O1)
             0    no optimization
             1    JIT-compatible optimizations only
             2    full optimizations
         -p<name> set name of "prefix" file
         -r[name] write cross reference report to console or to specified file
         -S<num>  stack/heap size in cells (default=4096)
         -s<num>  skip lines from the input file
         -t<num>  TAB indent size (in character positions, default=8)
         -v<num>  verbosity level; 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose (default=1)
         -w<num>  disable a specific warning by its number
         -X<num>  abstract machine size limit in bytes
         -XD<num> abstract machine data/stack size limit in bytes
         -\       use '\' for escape characters
         -^       use '^' for escape characters
         -;[+/-]  require a semicolon to end each statement (default=-)
         -([+/-]  require parantheses for function invocation (default=-)
         sym=val  define constant "sym" with value "val"
         sym=     define constant "sym" with value 0
what should i do should i wright into the pawnocc or something else ?
if anyone could help out to set ip up

"pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx"

Originally Posted by [GF]Sasino97
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"pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx"
well tried 2 ways
i tryed running it like this
Dim myProcessStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx")
it didn't work because the file did not exist

so then i runed it as pawncc.exe
and then inside the pawncc.exe i inputed the pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx

with the script names and everything but then the output was again the same as my last post

ok im sorry i imputed the wrong code in my script that's why it didnt work
when i was Redirecting the Input text from the pawncc.exe and then when i inputet mine
pawncc.exe script.pwn -;+ -\ -(+ script.amx
i left out at the end the .amx and thats why it dint work
so thank you all for your help

Try using the full paths for all of the three filenames.
In the program, before compiling, ask to the user to write the path of pawncc.exe.

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