[HELP] loop

i want to create a loop that works on someone that is in game and not in game... - i want to change something in dini to all the players... the login ones and the not connected... is it possible?


Don't think it's possible.. depends on the file system, but I don't think it is possible.

Deleted xD

It is possible, just not -practical.

You need to store EVERY player name thats ever connected in a file, with their 'ini key' being a number that's in sequence with the last (so 0, 1, 2, 3 etc). You then need to store the total registered players in the same, or another file.

Then you can simply do:
pawn Код:
new file[8+24+4], key[2];
for(new i; i < YOUR-TOTAL-ACCOUNT-COUNT; i++)
     format(key, sizeof(key), "%i", i);
     format(file, sizeof(file); "accounts/%s.ini", dini_Get("account-list.ini", key));
     //Do your actions to the account file, the variable is named file!

But dini is a slow loading system and a server with 2000+ accounts will crash the server eventually.

Originally Posted by TheLazySloth
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But dini is a slow loading system and a server with 2000+ accounts will crash the server eventually.
Exactly why it's not practical.

(Although, when I was using dini to do what my first post on this thread said, it counted around 3000 accounts and never crashed, but lagged like hell whenever I tried to act on all account!)

=] The best way to updates every single player (connected/offline) is by using MySQL as your saving/loading system. But be aware of big sring sizes, the bigger the sizes to more you risk crashing your server still.

My recommendation would be to ditch dini and use SQLite / MySQL.

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