05.09.2011, 21:33
Quake sounds for SA-MP
This include provides the Quake kill-streak sounds you might know from Quake or CS:S, this is possible using the Audio plugin Incognito made, if you don't want to use the sounds it is also possible to turn them off and only use the textdraw notifications. The killstreaks and the plugin itself is fully customizable, you are able to choose whether notifications should be enabled, who should see their notifications and how many kills are needed to trigger them.
Precompiler options
#define QUAKE_DEBUG // Prints information about some events into the server console. #define QUAKE_WRITE_DEFAULT_CONFIG // This option will write a new default config if none exists. #define QUAKE_AUDIO // Using this option will load another include that supports the quacke sounds, disabling this will cause no sounds to be loaded.
PacketName (String) // Defines the packet to load quake sounds from (allows multiple packets) Enabled (1/0) // Toggles whether this feature should be enabled. VisualMode (0-4) // Changes the visual mode of this feature - 0 = no one sees it . - 1 = everyone sees it. - 2 = involved players see it . - 3 = attacker sees it. - 4 = victim sees it. Trigger (0 - *) // Defines the number of kills needed to trigger this event. WeaponID (https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Weapons) Defines the weapon which should trigger the 'Humiliation' event.
CQuake::togglePlayerQuake( nPlayer, bool: bToggle ) // Toggles whether a player should see quake events or not. CQuake::startGame( ) // Triggers the 'Prepare to fight' event and will cause the next kill to be a 'First Blood'.(Possibly used in DMs) CQuake::setPlayerTeam( nPlayer, nTeam ) // Used to set the player team, killing teammates will cause the 'Teamkiller' event. CQuake::sendNotification( nID, nExtraID, nQuake ) // Used to call events, however, this is auto handled and does not need to be used. CQuake::readConfig( ) // loads or reloads the config file. CQuake::writeDefaultConfig( ) // Writes a new config if not exsists, however, this is also called by QUAKE_WRITE_DEFAULT_CONFIG
onPlayerHeadshot( killerid, playerid ) // See Quake\Callbacks\onPlayerHeadshot onPlayerTeamKill( playerid, killerid, reason ) // See Quake\Callbacks\onPlayerTeamKill
- Incognito's Audio Plugin (Optional)
- ******' YSI
I tested this include with my own gamemode and LVDM, both just worked fine. After setting up all files simply define all precompiler options you want to use and include quake.inc, done! If you want to use any extra features like teamkills you will have to use the methods from above.
1. Download quake_pack.rar
2. First of all, extract the files into a seperate directory.
3. /audiopacks/ and audio.ini have to be put into the SA-MP server root directory. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=82162 | Where your samp-server.exe is located)
4. Copy the scriptfiles/Quake/ folder and put it into the scriptfiles folder, if you want to do any changes on the config do so now.
5. Copy the includes/Quake/ folder into your pawno include directory.
6. Open your gamemode / filterscript, define needed compiler options and #include <Quake\quake>
7. Optional: Do any changes on your mode use the include.
8. Compile, if you defined QUAKE_SOUNDS be sure that you have the audio plugin installed. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=82162)
9. Run the server.
10. Tell clients they should install the audio plugin client to hear quake sounds. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=82162)
- Double-O-Seven (Effective Headshot Script)
- ****** (YSI)
- Incognito (Audio Plugin)
Have fun.