How can i delete

I want to delete the script which it is forcing you to play with a name as Name_Name

I want to edit the script so i cand play with whickh name i want

How can i do?

Show us the code?

We can't guess what script/functions you are using. Post the code you need fixing.

i have find this 3 times in my script

            new namestring = strfind(inputtext, "_", true);
			new namestring1 = strfind(inputtext, "@", true);
			new namestring2 = strfind(inputtext, "!", true);
			new namestring3 = strfind(inputtext, ".", true);
			new namestring4 = strfind(inputtext, "(", true);
			new namestring5 = strfind(inputtext, ")", true);
			new namestring6 = strfind(inputtext, "[", true);
			new namestring7 = strfind(inputtext, "]", true);
			new namestring8 = strfind(inputtext, "1", true);
			new namestring9 = strfind(inputtext, "2", true);
			new namestring10 = strfind(inputtext, "3", true);
			new namestring11 = strfind(inputtext, "4", true);
			new namestring12 = strfind(inputtext, "5", true);
			new namestring13 = strfind(inputtext, "6", true);
			new namestring14 = strfind(inputtext, "7", true);
			new namestring15 = strfind(inputtext, "8", true);
			new namestring16 = strfind(inputtext, "9", true);
			new namestring17 = strfind(inputtext, "0", true);
			if(namestring == -1 && namestring1 != -1 && namestring2 != -1 && namestring3 != -1 && namestring4 != -1 && namestring5 != -1 && namestring6 != -1 && namestring7 != -1
			&& namestring8 != -1 && namestring9 != -1 && namestring10 != -1 && namestring11 != -1 && namestring12 != -1 && namestring13 != -1 && namestring14 != -1 && namestring15 != -1 && namestring16 != -1 && namestring17 != -1)
			    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipRank] > 2)
					new stringo[128];
				        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Acest nume este deja inregistrat");
			         	new rpnick[256+1];
						format(rpnick,256,"{ffffff}Atentie!\n\nNumele tau nu a trecut controlul RP\nNumele rp trebuie sa fi Nume_Prenume\n\nExemplu:\nAlexsand_Jonson, Petr_Ivanov si altele\n\nIntroduceti numele in spatiu");
						ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,175,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{F81414}Schimbarea numelui",rpnick,"Schimba","Renunta");
				        return 1;

Yeah delete those lines.

i'm sorry, wrong message posted here...

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