[FilterScript] Vehicle window's tint

Vehicle window's tint

What is this?
This is simple filterscript whose use is to hide nametags of certain players. It will hide nametags of
those who are in the vehicle with tinted windows.

How does this work?
Really simple. You sit in the vehicle as driver and type /buytint. Then, 3d text label will appear
above your car, and people won't be able to see your name tag. If someone sits as a passenger,
his name tag will be invisible as well. When you leave your vehicle, your nametag will re-appear.


Before /buytint was used

After /buytint was used

After the person left his vehicle

Pastebin link:

This is my first released filterscript. It looks fun to me. I hope you will enjoy it.
Rate, hate, suggest. Everything is accepted.

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