NPC recording bug


I'm not sure if it's my script or not. I recentely released a Filterscript (today) which allows you to record a NPC. So I started recording, and like 1 minute later I stopped. I checked the file size; 1 KB? This looks totally wrong. I think my script is just fine, so I wonder why it doesn't work.

You can find my script in my signature. I don't want to advertise, but just FYI.


If the script provided in the server pack works, then probably it's your script's problem:
pawn Code:
StartRecordingPlayerData(playerid,PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_DRIVER,filename);//Check it

I checked it and it's far the same in recording. And, AFAIK, the one in the server package is 1 KB too.

What happens in your server? With both scripts 1 KB or none, or just one?

I can record vehicle NPCs with no problems.
I haven't test recordings for NPCs who are on foot.

Well.. Dunno if this is the case, or if this is the fix or w/e:
If your in a vehicle, and StartRecordingPlayback got called with the recording type driver, and you leave the vehicle, it won't work anymore.

Also goes for the other side. If you are onfoot, and you use recording type onfoot, and you get in a vehicle, it won't work anymore.

I don't do both of it.

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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I don't do both of it.
Maybe no permissions.. Set it to admin privileges..

No idea, sorry D:

Yeah, probably it is UAC/permission problem, if you are using Vista/7.
I uses XP and I tried recording both type, nothing goes wrong.

The problem is, if it is really a permission problem, why will it be 1KB, instead of rejecting to create the file?

It could b a bug, thst is why I posted here. Let me try with admin permission.

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