Car Audio

Hey everyone, i made this topic so we can discuss about car audio. What is better etc.

I myself like those subs/amps/batteries/alternators.

Subwoofer - 15" Ascendant Audio Chaos subwoofer.
Amplifier - Sundown SAZ-3000D.
Alternator - Powermaster Alternator.
Battery - Kinetik HC2400s Battery.

Write what you like most in this format.

Subwoofer -
Amplifier -
Alternator -
Battery -

And more info here, what else do you like, and so on.

I like a bit of bass too. Im not much of a geek to care what models / makes though.

Last time I had a 15" JBL 1000W ported Sub if that counts and a 500w amp I think. My buddy fitted it.

Pretty nice bass off that.

Originally Posted by BMUK
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I like a bit of bass too. Im not much of a geek to care what models / makes though.

Last time I had a 15" JBL 1000W ported Sub if that counts and a 500w amp I think. My buddy fitted it.

Pretty nice bass off that.
I tought about buying that, as it was only 130Ђ with 750w amplifier in electronics shop near by, but i didnt. Thats one shitty sub, friend has it and the voice coil burned already at 850w. He even didnt bother buying new voice coil, he bought new sub. That sub is rated at 1000w, but actually it takes only like ... 700w?

Mine was fine for about 2 years, put it in the boot and didnt bother with it, just danced along to the bass lol.

I do remember the 1000w thing being a lie though years ago.

After I got rid of that car i sold the sub and amp on ebay too

This was like the package i got:

Lol nice

If you got a decent car you wouldn't need a new sound system ..

But if you drive a ford fiesta, and wear tracksuits; i suppose this is normal.


GamingTurf, you obviously ride a bicycle.

Factory 'sound systems' are shite.

Is a 2011 BMW 5 Series a decent car? Sound system would still be shite.

Originally Posted by BMUK
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GamingTurf, you obviously ride a bicycle.

Factory 'sound systems' are shite.

Is a 2011 BMW 5 Series a decent car? Sound system would still be shite.
My Ford Expedition has a perfectly fine audio system. Mach audio. Most cars, ( Highest model, Luxury manufacturers) have pretty good sound systems. That BMW certainly would have a good audio system.

A "good" audio system has good bass. Factory sound systems have terrible/no bass.

In comparison to the bass that comes from an actual subwoofer then the car might aswell have no base whatsover.

A shite speaker (which can be found in any car new or old) can give acceptable vocals.

My cousins husband has that BMW I posted, only a 2009 model and the factory sound system is shite. Just like most other cars (UK anyway).

Andddd my cousin has a 2010 1 series, also with a shite factory system.

Ive been in them both and listened to them so unless my ears are noob then they both have shite bass.

I guess it comes down to personal preference and what you like to expect

Subwoofer - Full stainless 4 into 1 rally exhaust
Amplifier - Weber twin 40 carbs
Alternator - 12v competition alternator
Battery - Varley redtop 20 battery

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