Originally Posted by Berlovan
Yeah but GTA functions ? You mean PAWNO functions ? Because you script with PAWNO in SA:MP.
What? That makes no sense. You script INSIDE of Pawno, which is just a text editor with text highlighting, you literally script with the Pawn language. So, you are scripting with Pawn functions.
I suggest you start on the SA:MP Wiki. It has a list of the callbacks and functions, telling you when they're triggered and how to use them properly. Also, despite whether you're a beginner or not, read over the pawn_lang.pdf manual found on CompuPhuse's site. It will give you an insight on the language that others seem to ignore, which could cost you big later.
I also don't suggest starting with a gamemode as a big, unsupported and inefficient as GodFather. In fact, I don't encourage you to start with any role play style gamemode, whether your have prior scripting knowledge or not. Start with something simple, like the modes provided in the SA:MP Server download package. They're basic, but they help you get a grasp on the language.