Maya Objects -> SA-MP Objects. (How to?)

Does anybody know how to convert maya objects into SA-MP objects?
If anyone knows how to make .col, .txd or .dff files for SA-MP, could you please tell me?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

SA-MP does not support custom objects, only those that are included.
What you would make there would be a modification for San Andreas itself, not for SA-MP.

Originally Posted by TheBetaFox
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SA-MP does not support custom objects, only those that are included.
What you would make there would be a modification for San Andreas itself, not for SA-MP.
It does support custom objects since 0.3c.

you could try to get a converter for converting your objects to 3DStudio, there are some plugins to save them in the right format...

Originally Posted by Babul
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you could try to get a converter for converting your objects to 3DStudio, there are some plugins to save them in the right format...
Do you have any names of programs which can do this?

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