Server crashes every now and then, help please.

First of all, hi everyone.
Now to the point. I have a server, and every now and then the server just suddently restarts(crashes for a short while). It usually happens during the night, and only when there is more then 30 players on. I have searched around the forum, i have seen and resseen the script, and got nothing. I have talked to the host owner and according to him there is nothing wrong with the hosting, so im kinda running outta options here.

When the server crashes, it creates the following errors:

Kalcor or anyone that could help with this, please, help me, and thank you in advance.



Do you run a Home host ?

No, it is ran on a professional host (, and mine is the only server with these problems.

how can you have SA-MP Server: 0.3c R5 when the official release is R2 ?

check the news section

Originally Posted by rekatluos
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how can you have SA-MP Server: 0.3c R5 when the official release is R2 ?
Get with the program xP RC5 has already been released.

Update: Now the server is constantly been hacked, first it's High doses of ping and lag, and after a couple of time it crashes. Is there anyway to stop this? The hacker has been doing this nonestop since yearstday

If is reason for this a hacker, check incoming connections, and range ban his IP

Thats just the problem, there is no registered IP of the hacker. I suspect he uses an external program that sends out masses of packages to the server, which is first causing it to lag and then crash.

Any ideas :X

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