[Tutorial] How to make an anti-teamkill -Easy- (with OPSP)

Hi everyone,

You may have searched in this forum for an anti teamkill system...
as you can notice, there are not so many anti teamkill systems, and nor are there any anti-teamkill system that really makes the shooter NOT BEING ABLE to kill the target.

So I wanted to make this little tutorial : )

So how does it work?
Well, when a player shoots a player from its own team, then the shooter will die and get a message that teamkilling is not allowed. however, the target will regain the damage he lost by a teamkill-attempt, so that the victim of teamkilling doesn't have to die immediately...

Note: u are only going to be able to use this script, if u already worked with teams in your GM/Filterscript, otherwise U are going to get errors...

So, how are we going to do this?


First of all we will need a little include, made by wups, and it can be downloaded here:

To install, u have to click the version u want, then copy the pastebin material, paste in notepad and save as OPSP.inc

then move it to the folder: pawno/include
and just paste it there...
next u wanna add
PHP Code:
#include <OPSP> 
at the top of your GM, or the script u wanna make our little anti-teamkill thing in.
Paste it under
PHP Code:
#include <a_samp> 
Ok, then add this somewhere in your Script:

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)


now we are going to start to script.

so we have
PHP Code:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)

now add this under the first { bracket:

PHP Code:
if ( Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID 
        if ( 
GetPlayerTeamTarget ) == GetPlayerTeamShooter ) ) // check if the victim is from the same team as the shooter. 

SetPlayerHealth(Targethp HealthLost);
SendClientMessageShooterCOLOR_RED"Team killing is not allowed!" ); 
GivePlayerMoneyShooter, - 5000 ); 

So, we will get this:

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
   if ( 
        if ( 
GetPlayerTeamTarget ) == GetPlayerTeamShooter ) ) // check if the victim is from the same team as the shooter. 

SetPlayerHealth(Targethp HealthLost);
SendClientMessageShooterCOLOR_RED"Team killing is not allowed!" ); 
GivePlayerMoneyShooter, - 5000 ); 

Just compile the script, save it and u don't have problems with teamkilling in your server anymore!
enjoy your Teamkilling-free server


If you are on the same team as the player, they cant hurt you anyway. You pretty much give the player health that they have not lost.

Originally Posted by knackworst
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pawn Code:
SetPlayerHealth( Target, HealthLost); //Give back the victim the damage that he lost.
Are you serious? So if I shoot you, and you lose 5 health, it sets your health to 5? wow.

pawn Code:
SetPlayerHealth( Target, HealthLost);
(here you set his health to healthlost, if he lost 5 heal, his heal setted to 5.)
need to be
pawn Code:
SetPlayerHealth( Target, (GetPlayerHealth(Target) + HealthLost));
(Get his healt + the healthlost = his health before attack)

o, sorry my bad, I must have made a mistake

Originally Posted by wouter0100
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pawn Code:
SetPlayerHealth( Target, HealthLost);
(here you set his health to healthlost, if he lost 5 heal, his heal setted to 5.)
need to be
pawn Code:
SetPlayerHealth( Target, (GetPlayerHealth(Target) + HealthLost));
(Get his healt + the healthlost = his health before attack)
Which is still wrong:
pawn Code:
new Float:hp;
GetPlayerHealth(target, hp);
SetPlayerHealth(target, hp + healthlost);
Add capitals wherever necessary.

Hiddos, I've never quite understood why the API was programmed to save a lot of method's returns as variables - such as GetPlayerHealth and GetPlayerName. Surely just returning it would be easier for the user, so we could just do:
pawn Code:
new Float:hp = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);

This will not protect from minigun, and in some other "situations". Better use SetPlayerTeam

You should also return the Armour.
pawn Code:
if(HealthLost > 0.0)
     new Float:hp;
     GetPlayerHealth(Target, hp);
     SetPlayerHealth(Target, hp + HealthLost);
if(ArmourLost > 0.0)
     new Float:Armour;
     GetPlayerHealth(Target, Armour);
     SetPlayerHealth(Target, Armour + HealthLost);

If you try to hit a team it kills you? Hmm not good you will die everytime.

Try using this guys:

On top:

pawn Code:
forward TeamProtection();
And this under OnGameModeInit

pawn Code:
SetTimer("TeamProtection", 5000 ,true);
And anywhere in GM.

pawn Code:
public TeamProtection()
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            SetPlayerTeam(i, gTeam[i]);
This code is 100% working if you put it rite paths.


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